Saturday, November 26, 2022

Animals behave different sensing smell of floods somehow

Dogs, cats, birds behave differently when something different happens on the Earth. They might even smell the Earth in general in comparison with a smell of year earlier of the Earth, who knows. Animals even might smell landslides earlier than it happens, who knows. 
Cats, dogs like to climb high places some weeks ago of Tsunamis. Yes always do that, but i noticed they notice that nature smells different. 
I am not an owner of cats or dogs, randomly i watch animals behaving different. 
Even if not the animals will do that, i am looking for a machine developed that measures the light wavelengths changes on exposed matter from year to year and map it with the Translational Movement of Earth around the Sun.
At URL here,
a bulldogterrier crossbreed well fed dog behaves differently against an island shaped mass on the first week of July 2022.
And here he-dog again is nervous and crying regarding underneath of something, underneath of bed. It is sometime at least two weeks earlier than ian-hurricane. I am not sure if any dog could simulate the sky as an blue-blanket, and flood problem as a field underneath of a coach, to tell something is wrong. He  maybe too nervous but compared to many dogs is very smart, intelligent. He dog insists that there is a problem with crocodile toy, crocodile is specific to big waters, oceans such as Florida shores. 
We have dolphin in our shore but never any crocodile. 
Florida shores, salty rivers are rich for crodiles whereas Seattle city is rich for Dolphin species bu not for crocodiles. Animals represent certain climate or lands. 
Does a dog takes smell of other animals from another state, and find a toy similar to that creature, i do not know. 
I know that, dolphins sense tsunamies two weeks earlier, and escape to other shores(We have some friendly Dolphins in our summer house shore ). 
It is possible that the gases in air could smell different, and dogs could notice such a smell under a coach in a room.
Sometimes a smell just trapped in a trash bag, and does not vaporize to outside of a trash bag, dogs even some human people know such different vaporization of a smell. 
The smell sensing ability of dogs is already known by all. 
The youtube most educated smartest cat here, also is not happy just a day or so  before a Tornado happened, and tells her owner to be careful, to look for the following Afternoon (Afternoon then, probably 5 March 2022 ). The cat also used the word TV. It's an afternoon on TV.
Since cats are not able to use their tongue to speak, the cat is communicating with speak_buttons on the video. 
The two sentences used by Billi the Cat were exactly as follows:
"Look, Afternoon, TV." Meaning present time. 
a few minutes later,
"Afternoon-then." Meaning again an afternoon but a different time.
She-cat is a highly educated domestic cat and is able to read at least 60 buttons, and is able to create meaningful sentences. Knows not to touch buttons to keep silence. Knows to tell that she will not use button-speaking. Such a lovely smart cat. 

On a different occasion, the cat-billi on another video here, sometime in late February or so 2022, feels mad, calls her owner. 
Billi-cat intentionally uses, 
-"Come" word button, (by pressing the button). 
The cat complaints that there is a Noise. 
Cat-button vocabulary does not have "Storm", "Tornado" scientific words. Best match to these events is indeed Noise
Then uses Dog word many times (possibly meaning a friend, a life ). 
Billi-cat uses "want" word (possibly meaning some required measurements for her dogs) 
Uses "mad" word (noise is bad for her dogs ). 
The billi-cat is mad at noise. The Billi-cat does not like the noise (Tornado). 
But, the billi-cat knows that billi-cat can not stop it. It is noise. 
At URL here, again billi-cat invites her owner to button-speaking, and tells that billi-cat is angry/mad with Outside, Noise. 
On the first week of March 2022, that she locates the Noise as outside is interesting. 
Cats feel snow, rain, sun a few days earlier than it happens. However, billi-cat wants to inform her mother about coming mad-weather. 
Billi-cat never buttons Billi-cat, billi-cat, billi-cat, but buttons Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom. Billi-cat likes math and uses buttons multiple times for multiple mothers (perhaps). There is overall consistency in billi-cat button-speaking. 
Another video of Billi-cat is very interesting here.
Bili-cat does not ask for any food, does not ask to play on that day, but billi-cat wants something. Conversation between the owner and the cat-billi is quoted as follows:
"Bili-cat expressed herself by buttons:
-Mad Alldone (as of June 2022 )
-Want (only planned to want something, perhaps for future, but not as of June 2022 )
-look (watch something in future), want (cat wants something ).
The billi-cat does not use button but touches to a picture of her head on the wall. 
The owner:
-Does Billi-cat want food?
Billi-cat answers: 
The owner:
-No food.
Sorry Billi-cat, that no exact word is here.
Billi-cat starts a new answer: 
-Hello, worm ". 

Another interesting Billi-cat video is here, at URL 
On that video, Billi_cat was using a time related word (before ). 
The date was early August in 2022. 
Billi-cat spoken with her owner:
"-Ouch, Ouch (Something is wrong)
-Before (buttons the BEFORE button for 10 times ). 
The billi-cat related the OUCH to a specific time (in august 2022, Billi-cat was ten times before the OUCH, it might also mean ten times later )". 
Coincidentally, the Billi-cat unfortunately had some health problems on August 2022. 
Another interesting Billi-cat video is at URL 
On this video here, dated as early September 2022, the billi-cat pushed Bird Button for 18 times. 
Billi-cat expressed something concerning Outside and Bird; this could be easily understood from billi-cat video. 
However, her mathematics in repeating the Bird word for 18 times is hard to interpret. Was something 18 days before or 18 days after? No clue. 
Was it a problem with 18 different birds. With only 60 words limited vocabulary language, none could explain better mathematics of population or mathematics of dates.
According to Billi-cat, there was happening a problem for birds in 18 days in  September 2022(in the third week of September 2022), or Billi-cat had meant that problem is for many many birds. 

Such a smart scientific minded-cat. 
The billi-cat further changed the way human opinion on intellectuality of animals. 
The billi-cat videos are my favorite cat button videos on internet as of 2022, because they have best time information about the month billi-cat button-spoke. Youtube is the best website to mind to give correct time of any video. 

On another animal speak-button video on internet, a smart Labrador-dog probably called a storm-tornado as a "saddening snake at outside upstairs ". 
It is possible that Billi-cat if not always, sometimes probably used "Worm fan-toy" word as a Tornado. 

I do not know if any animal meaningfully button-speaks the word "snow" "dead" "earthquake" "wave tsunami" yet. 

Figure 1. A hollow shell of the Earth. Not all land shapes are same on the Earth. 
One side of the Earth is almost land free but ocean. 
Figure 2. A hollow Earth Shell image. 
Figure 3. A hollow Earth Shell

Figure 4. A smart chihuahua dog that is an internet celebrity. She-dog is a trained domestic dog without button-speaking education. The way she-dog stares, sees something with her big eyes is one of her popular side. 
Whether she-dog is still alive or not as of 2022 is not known to myself. 

Figure 5. A smart cat, she doesn't know to communicate via speak-buttons (This is not the billi-cat of above mentioned videos, a smart street/condo garden cat around). 
