
Monday, June 14, 2021

I liked Boards and Beyond Course

Date: 14/06/2021 
We should be overjoyed for such a Medicine Course.  All the information is so up-to-date that for a moment I thought I was in a congress; or, in the best Medical Faculty lecture hall in the world.  Slides, notes, the texts are up-to-date, beautifully crafted, but that's not just what makes BNB a success: where could one  find a top-notch English-speaking speaker who has such a high level of medical knowledge; and, such a perfect smooth, not disturbing pronunciation, voice. 
If such a successful speaker had not voiced the videos, listening to the lectures would not have been so enjoyable.
Not only I look at the course from the perspective of winning USML; but also, it is a course that trains a good doctor in the long run, a doctor who envisions the patient as best one can.
It is best suitable course to work with other sources of USML.  Such a high quality approach to Medical Science that even competes with very good Medical Schools.
That's how the medical school of the future will be, at least half of total medical study years should be such an online Home Study course, lectures.
As it's called... Beyond written exams..

Notes: If an MD starts a residency training program as a resident, wil see that, during diagnosis of a patient, almost all MDs in practice will drop many book derived medical knowledge, and prioritize most likely decision to catch emergency or urgent situations to explain patients complaint.
For example, at pre-op lab work, a physician will not ask hundreds of blood lab tests even though there are appropriate thousands lab tests to test prior to a pre-operation. In practice in hospitals, all procedures all are a summary of medical book suggested tests knowledge. Being familiar with all book written medical knowledge is needen no doubt. However, an MD should know to drop out many medical knowledge, should apply shortest Disease Approach Algorithm when sees a patient first time.
The magic is sometimes is not to know much much more, but to drop many knowledge suitably.
This is known as algorithm, and residency trainings most of the time teaches that.
Boards and Beyond lectures makes this very good, as if a residency training. The steps to approach a patient are short, clear.
For, example the video of 'DVT Pulmoner Embolism' is simple, perfectly teaches the exact practical steps even though many book knowledge are not mentioned. The videos, lectures are really updated for todays 2021 year's hospital technology, hospitals team work.
In addition to that, i like that we spend time on slides but not on a face speaking lectures. The knowledge on the slides are clear, easy to see. That reader reads the ready text is a perfect idea, we do not want that he will just create a medical sentence in his mind in front of us. He has a Lecturer/reader educational duty in front of us at a level of resident, DO, or MD. The Board and Beyond USML Course's texts are ready prior to voiced and voiced without further correction. We are not checking here the knowledge of the reader on the videos, though without a high medical knowledge the Boards and beyond lectures could not be voiced so correctly so smoothly. 

Böylesi bir Tıp Kurs için ne kadar sevinsek azdır. Tüm bilgiler o kadar güncel ki, bir an kendimi kongre de; veya, dünyanın en iyi Tıp Fakültesi amfi sinde sandım. Slide, metin yazılar güncel, çok güzel hazırlanmış: ancak sadece bu değil BNB yi başarılı yapan, hem tıbbi bilgisi bu kadar yüksek, hem bu kadar düzgün; ve, en yüksek düzey İngilizce konuşan bir konuşmacı nerede bulunur ki.
Videoları böyle başarılı bir konuşmacı seslendirmese, dersleri dinlemek bu kadar zevkli olamazdı.
USML  kazanmak açıdan bakmadım kursa, uzun vadede iyi bir doktor, hastayı hayalinde en yaklaşık canlandıran bir doktor u yetiştiren bir kurs.
USML nin diğer kaynakları ile birlikte çalışılması uygun bir kurs. Tıp Bilimine, Tıp Fakülteleri ile yarışan kalitede bir yaklaşım.
Geleceğin online Tıp Fakültesi, en az yarısı kadar yılı, böyle olur.
Adı üstünde,.. Beyond. 
Sınavlar, sınav skoru baskısı, maalesef öğrencileri, kavramını yok eden uydurma Pikselleştirme ile Papağanca ezbere yöneltiyor, birçok yeni tıbbi kelimeyi tabii pikselleştirme ile ezberlemek yanlış değil, kelime ezberleme Pikselleştirme nin taa kendisi, ki kelime ezberlemek çok faydalı bilimde, ancak kavranması gereken yerleri, sırf sınav puanı yükseltmek için anlamadan pikselleştirme ile ezberlemek, ileride hasta deneyimleri ile hayalde oluşan tabloyu beyinde yaratmaya yer bırakmayabilir. Gerçek bir hasta karşısında alınan deneyim e beyinde döngüye yol bırakmayabilir. Gereksiz Pikselleştirme şartlanması doktor beynine ileride iyi gelmeyebilir. 
Bu arada Pikselleştirme hernekadar bir bilgisayar kelimesi olsa da, bütünün anlamının var olmadığı bir durumu açıklamakta kullanılıyor. Papağanlaşma ve Pikselleştirme kelimeleri bu blogda eş anlamlı kullandım. 
BNB, işte böyle berbat pikselleştirme nin olmadığı bir eğitim. Tebrikler.

Not: Ben abone olup satın aldım, kursu orijinal kursta görmek hoş oldu, o düzen de hoş, ancak bütçem sınırlı kaldı, çok pahalı. 
Meğer kimse benim gibi para ödememiş, free download sitelerden tüm videoları, notları bedavaya indirmek mümkün imiş. 

Date: 15/06/2021
What should be done regarding USML education?
Although Patients Rights protective as should be, from the point of med students, Case Presentations should be improved so that the Case Presentation's videos should show any consent taken patient as she/he gives her/her complaint, as she/he takes physicals, while the patient is entering into the Physician room, speaking, then the doctor examining the patient etc. Then a few laters or hours passes to take the results of disease related tests works. Case Presentations education should be similar to an observer med trainee in an Emergency Department room, or a Cardiology Service morning patient check up etc.
The rooms, services, everything should be real environment, so that even if a med student still make Pixelization Memories, it will be more useful to pixelize a body of a patient with a particular complaint.
We can give money to patients for allowing their visit to record for med students.
At least, at the beginning of medical years, Case Studies should be presented as real recordings of patient body.
A physician spends at least 10 minutes for a patient, so a case presentation should be at least 15 minutes, as if the doctor sees patients, brainstorms alone or with a team, asks for diagnostic works etc.
In summary, Case Presentations sometimes should be shoot in real hospitals, with real patients, with real environment, with real physicians, nurses etc. 
Even a video shooting a physician listening to a patient, taking history of the complaint which lasts at least 3 minutes, will be informative for a start years med student. Such videos should be studied at least one month.
An average of complaining patient number for a physician is at least 20 per day at a hospital (65 even much more) .
In videos the heights and body weights should be shoot very good, without photoshop, the face, the eyes, the way the patient talks, breaths, walks few steps should be learned pixelized together with patients test results EKG etc.
For example pre-operation Physicals, diagnostic works, patient physician dialog, including brainstorms of doctors. Or a typical Emergency Room red, yellow, green area patients treatments could be shooted.
Such videos will create real medical experiences of patients complaints.
Such a video project is possible with todays video technology and some money, wedding photographer could arrange such video shootings.

MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS (Machine Learning Medical Programs Software) 
Some might think it is too early to employ Medical Knowledge Computer Application in diagnosis of patients.
At Emergency Department sure we do not have time to get diagnostic help from a computer knowledge, however if not urgent, Computerized Medical Knowledge, Artificial Intelligence such as KAHUN, or ISABELHEALTHCARE or TRUVETA Software Programs, applications, even today very helpful in good hands. I routinly use and like such applications. 
Though required a basic medical knowledge to leave out many suggestions of machine such machines bring into mind unusual diseases. IsabelHealthcare is a company that provides a clinical reasoning support tool to help physicians manage clinical uncertainty by matching clinical features to diseases. 
 I have not tried all of them, but only 3 of such Machine Learning Knowledge applications. The lovers of Kahun Application or comparable Physician Artificial Intelligence Machine Application will benefit from the entire course, specially USMLE 2,3 parts of Boards and Beyond. Should study Slides at least one time, and should listen to the videos at least ones. 

I believe a specialist surgeon do not need to walk through all the medication knowledge an Internal Medicine Doctor do. 
There should be at least 15 Schools of Medicine. The future 15 Medical Schools should give 15 different Specialites to Doctor candidates. That means all Schools are giving Physicians, but they arrange different hours of Medical Curriculum, or Lecture hours. 
So their Medical Exams will be same Medicine, but the question distribution to lessons will be different. 
This will not start after Medical Doktor degree, but will start at the beginning, first year of the Medical School. The entrances exam to the Medical School will be same to all doctors, specialists. USML 1,2,3 will not ask Cardiology EKG questions heavily to a Microbiology Specialist MD, or Dermatology MD, or Ophthalmology MD.
My suggestion for future education could  further differ Medical Education from the first year of the Medical School, such that, a doctor who plans to be an Associate Professor in Dermatology, or Ophthalmology again would study another Medical School Curriculum or another Medical School (Ophthalmology Ledsons more) after winning Entrance Exam to the Medical School. Such that, matching to speciality branches of Medicine will not be with only one standard USML 1,2,3 exams. 
So that a Cardiologist Doctor would go to a different Medical School from an Associate Professor MD  (Cardiologist Doctor but Associate Professor ). 
Which doctor should have more salary, which is the hardest i need to think about it.