
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sadly, this week, 301 miner died from fire, smoke poisoning in a day, in a Lignite Coal Mine. RIP.

The future of mining is in robotic technologies. Specially countries that have soil with excess spontaneous explosive gas  formation will benefit from nonpoisoned robots. Maybe one or two centuries will be sufficient to develop such robots. But, rather than creating robots with some money, countries might prefer giving money to working humans. Current technologies are very good to promise such robots. Accidents in mines will still occur, but without too many human deaths.

In Manisa many miner died this week from explosive gas release created fire.
Fire blocked the miners way to escape out, smoke poisoned all of them, caused Asphyxia.
Deadly most toxic gases in mines are even hard to notice to abandon the area, many miners are poisoned in minutes even before they notice they are poisoned. Carbon monoxide detectors might give alarms even if no life danger is present. Other toxic gases to measure in mines are Nitrogen, Nitrogen dioxide, extremely toxic to the human body. Such gases are produced from the detonation of explosives. Nitrogen dioxide is a non-flammable gas, it is heavier than air. Nitrogen Dioxide depending on its level in air, causes irritation of nose, throat, eyes, tightness in chest, in high concentrations, nitrogen dioxide forms nitric acid in the lungs causing pulmonary edema. Oxygen helps to decrease its toxicity. From the mine daily reports, it seems, Nitrogen gases also eventually had a role in the death of Manisa Lignite Miners. Climate, natural air pressure levels might also play roles in gas concentrations.
The bodies found were close to each other, towards the outdoor; implying that they did give a try to abandon the heavily gas poisoned area.
Will it happen again? I looked at the that day Manisa Earthquakes, landslides, etc. There was an unusual flood in a close island to Manisa. Such floods are not frequent, implying such unusual conditions might not be frequent. The soil or atmosphere chemistry of Earth soil might be different on different times. All soil is not the same on world, some might have the same mine in a different mixture of soil. Lignite Mine engineers should investigate such accidents to understand engineering defects to remove. Even 1 death is a loss, but seems while tens of miners were already poisoned inside, a new working group did not notice the accident, and went on to enter into the mine to work/die, or tried to rescue their coworkers without Oxygen equipment, none knows; that doubled the death number some says. Electric Power source related Transformers in mine needs to be perfected as any mine engineer already knows. It is not easy to make transformers durable both to flames and to heat. There are Explosion-Proof Dry Type Mining Transformers resistant to outer flame but might get heated too much themselves. Sometimes climate causes overheat in metals. The electrical power/elevators was broken in mine when fire happened. The investigations so far did not prove that the fire started in the transformer itself. The mine equipment was not too old, the mine worked fine for 4 years, some small fires were extinguished with ash timely. However, that the mine escapes was not engineered to plan big fires, was risky, known to any miner working in it.
The lignite mine running was not supported financially with any government sources, but by marketing tax-paid coal. Despite its risks, there are always more miners on world than the mining job openings. There are hidden mining activities, even the accidents are not cached . This was a registered mine holding with many years of accident-free experience.

I am not into mine safety tests, mining much; but the tests measuring coal-dust-particle-size are promising to identify fully protected areas of a mine. The smaller the coal-particle-size, the greater the coal-dust explosion risk. The oily small coal-dust is comparable to compression-ignition engined car-fuels such that pressure/friction causes heat and spontaneous explosions without any external spark. Another test to develop could be measurement of mine ceil air-resistance to convey electrical charge. Lignite Coal mines seems between most dangerous mines. Not all mines chemistry, or danger is the same, for example, sulfur rich mines such as BlackSea mines are somehow different from other mines. While, some other mine deposits has higher lithium element, the Soma lignite coal basin does not contain lithium in some special ore composits, rocks. It is not studied well if coal composition increases poisonous gas production in mines, the volatile-mass over carbon-mass (volatiles/carbon) differs in different coal species. Manisa Mine had higher volatile/carbon mass ratio compared to other coal mines.
Some mines might be prone to landslides, some to sudden gas release,  such as methane, spontaneous fires. Manisa does not seem a district of landslides, but a deep mine with explosive gas.
I am from Life Sciences, not into Architecture, could some escape rooms would decrease death number I do not know; digging a hole in a coal mine means an increase in fire risking area unwatched, whatever the label, it has same coal walls with gas release risk. The dilemma* with fresh air(Oxygen) is that, it feeds fire; though fights against smoke poisoning. Maybe mines should be smaller, as if many separate plants, entirely separate units so that escapes from smoke could be easier. The problem with current educational system is that multiple field basic essentials talented people are not encouraged to solve multiple field problems, but parrot-like educational system lovers protected by the leading educational system. The architect/engineer should be talented in many field; It is not that will finish three faculty/school but skip unrelated and combine architecture/engineering at least three basic field essentials such as geology, physics/chemistry...
The mine was not an original architecture, was imported from another country mine. Holdings themselves do not built things, they only hire the product engineer/architect people of abused educational system to built places.
They say some punishments going on regarding the death of 301 people, I put the most blame on abusive, parrot-like, putperest, intelligent-people-enemy, stupidly-arranged-parrot-exams, identity-thief educational systems, rather than poor architects, or engineers of this country. I am from a higher Capitalist class, not categorized with miners group. However, In my life there happened many times, I felt that my highest education degrees, my highest world top level scientific talents are going to too cheap to easy-lier-producers, identity-thieves, fakers, I felt helpless, as if I moved to another work/country dressed in death dress, realizing all risks I preferred to face. I am over 50, not died, I was only lucky for not facing the worst; or, finding better people to work.
The identity-thieves, liers, thieves are in all categories of all professions. Life is not easy. Even a miner for a ready few cent, forgets the far future.

My conclusion is that, Lignite Coal Mines are the most dangerous mines, worse than other Coal mines. Handling of some class of Lignite mines are not easy. Only world top University Research Groups in Physics/Chemistry/Geology/Technology etc. will in future develop better Lignite handling technology. Current world Lignite technology, university educational sources is not at a level to educate engineers to erase risks. I have seen people who blamed innocent risk takers; but not themselves; they talked and talked, but none supported better educational systems to develop better technologies to teach. Parrot-learning type educational systems will not take technology any better level.
On one hand there is the highest demand for technology gifted students, as occurred in this case; on the other hand, most common educational systems ignores valuable students. Educational systems should be punished for not seeing the real life demands, but supporting parrot students.

*The earth is composed of compartments, no human work is able to play with the enormous compartments of Earth. It is sunlight absorption that
eventually changes compartments size/deep-seals of Earth. When Earth deep compartment boundaries/seals are changed, there occur unusual chemical reactions as a result of compartments' chemicals mixing. Volcanoes explodes, because a closed compartment gas is suddenly exposed to Oxygen from another compartment to make a new chemical reaction that was impossible when the compartment sealed to gas entry. That is why mines are not too big, or too deep.
**In general, any creative/intelligent person engineer or architect identity is stolen by identity-thieves abusing parrot-educational systems. Thief minded people blocks a creator/team from further details, speculations on a project/building explaining its possible better usages. Sometimes small details in usage of the very same building will not erase but decrease risks.

PS: I know that, Miners are not digging deep soil to see earth events from close, in more details; but their worked helped to answer to some of my questions, to associate earth events to chemical components of soil. For example, 8 days after the excess release of methane gas release in mine, there occurred a small earthquake in the vicinity sea of Manisa mine.
How to extinguish methane gas fires ?