
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Human are not equal, some are stupid and rather destroy governments

GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN is a way to arrange government budget in big countries which has both federal and state taxes. 
I am from medical life sciences, my involment into tax systems is via only my tax-paying duty.
how a perfect government will spend money on different geographical area of country? That a man insists to live in a city that has frequent disasters does not make government to support this area forever. Government is something that has areas, geographical places that human creature can live on. Government is something that wants human population is existing on all over geographical places within government official borders.
The first requirement of  government is to have land area on Earth. In old days valuable listed geographical places were not much, because drinking water technologies, earthquake resistant home tehnologies, flight, ship, car transportation, hot/cold climate combatting technologies were not good to survive on many geographical places. But now, human has higher technologies to survive at more geographical areas by the help of technologies.
Should government spend all money on available technologies making bad geographical places more survivable, or should spend money on developing further better technologies. should a government support increase in birth rate, increase specific race population, or import certain race people, immigrants. *
In old days military human forces needed to settle at government borders to defense borders, but today this is no longer the necessity to maintain government borders. Half of the country can be empty, but military techno air-forces still maintain borders.  In old days because of military reasons government did not like some areas are not populated.
Gambling to settle on different geographical areas to me is important, why I am going to pay too much taxes for people who are settled at too frequent prone disasters areas. These stupids never respects intelligent people who develops methods to know better geogrphical area, but tries to harm such people in many ways. Even in high places of government there are identity thieves who blocks valuable people from working in some east Europien countries.  Government duty is to protect intelligent people of world, country, but these identity-helpers only harms valuable people. ......

USA is the country which noticed the money flow between different states, and described the already existing situation by law by recorded definitions better than any country. In many other countries, the governments are worse than USA, many other countries are blind to the money flow from big cities to rural areas via tax money flow. BECAUSE of government missing economic law articles, THEY EVEN LİE THEMSELVES That some people pay more taxes to improve whole country. For example, in this east European country, the people of big cities are more hardworking than the many people of rural areas to improve humanity. They save money to improve correct educational systems for their intelligent children, but improper tax systems in a way steals their money from their pockets and gives stupid people who once fighted against these families to create good government systems, who in their rural areas even their ancestors never payed any taxes. They lived and lived without taxes for centuries, now their stupid siblings are stealing my intelligent productive ancestors tax paid developments. I am a capitalist from the point of politics, stupids, mongols are a burden on a government they are against anything good, but once you work hard create things they then start to steal the system they tried to destroy. I am not going to leave the world to the identiy thieves who are stupid liers and deceits other stupid liers by stealing identities.

In old days in USA, some places were with no human population, government sent there people to protect border for military reasons, but today it is not these people there protecting borders really. Since in old days these people were on military defense duty, these people sometimes went to such rural areas obligatory prior to appointing to urban areas, government promised them that they will not pay state taxes, but only federal taxes. In practice, paying both federal and government tax as an tax-payer individual made my any bank savings less than people who paid only federal or only state taxes. I would still work in the same state because my privileged academic position is not found in rural areas that no state tax needed, though over years in terms of work positions, many state-tax-free cities has good positions. As an individual I did not see any superiority coming back to me from that I paid extra state tax.
Right now, I am not in USA, but in an east European country. In this country there is not any dictionary  defining classifying taxes as good as United States of America, but if one does the mathematical calculations on tax flow, the problem is in dark, not noticed yet, but maybe worse than USA.
In this country Refundable-Purchase-Taxes solved many rural problem tax escape problem; though Refundable-Purchase-Taxes makes private sector savings less versus someone less valuable in her/his work/achievements but only has a positon/salary from government.
I am an international person at private health sector, not working in the government needed for purchase tax refund. I am more valuable worldwide, but since in this country my current job is not with government again paying too much taxes versus someone who has a position from government since they have purchase-tax-refund. Government measures and taxes rural areas by purchase tax, or fail to to tax rural areas. Urban city private sector workers are taxed heavily when compared to rural-area and government-worker-working-in-urban-area.

I asked myself, if I were above 70, not working and there is a place known with its risk of disasters, not frequent but big, but the houses are luxuries for old people, would I move to such a cheaper affordable place risking my remained life-years. The answer is I would not take there my long future generations young childs to risk their future generation lives but as an old person, I would live at a geographical place listed as risky disaster place, budget. Comfort in life is good.

*Immigration can solve many needs of USA, however, highly qualified, educated international competent people that USA academic world need hardly will grow in other countries in future, if any their life will be hell difficult. For example, to create a drug, to find a hormone is a difficult job research, once it is created, it will be used in other countries, in other countries it is not needed any highly intelligent people who create high knowledge, but some simple education systems that could use ready technologies. Such governments eventually will never has good universities, because they import the products and do not support intelligent students, but parrots who could not do creations but use ready things. Then the intelligent students immigrate to the countries to their field which is better developed. Simply opening a university, never mean that the field is improved in this country. But if an intelligent person does not like to immigrate then in a low level country, where rather imports any health, machine technology, will not find any good paid job. Such countries rather will like to pay to stupids.
It is the demand coming from any industry, engineer field that makes some universities more developed. If a country import all drugs, all machines, then not the intelligent people but people who simply takes ready things will be paid more. Such country universities will not have industry or engineering field funds. Their academic personnel is parrot devoid of any good research.
In this low level countries opening and opening universities will never help to make good health provider or engineers but parrots.
human are fortunate that online educations, knowledge access exist nowadays, those immigration minded people should study online degrees. But immigrant life is a hell to an highly educated academic person. Even if a person immigrates to a country speaking her/his mother language, immigration is a hell with all procedures that you start to a new life. for A BODY worker İT İS EASY, if not educated in mother country, then nothing need to translate to other country equal levels. BUT FOR AN HİGHLY EDUCATEd PERSON to prove equalness  or higherness of background is too much time wasting on things. I am an international immigrating person, whose field not developed in mother country, thus satisfied her highest level health research work purposes in USA academic health industry.
Parrots who uses imported ready things are paid more than intelligent people in the East EUROPİAN  government/country I was born.
I am never saying that USA making good health research halts industries in low level countries. If  human would not do research science, then animals would still survive without any education or humanly life. But, I am saying that there are some people, parrots that they would be nothing, but since they use intelligent people created products, in these low developed countries there forms some jobs paying high salaries to parrots. Another fact is that although in science technology creating high  research countries such as USA the exams are to select highly intelligent creative highly educated people, in low level countries the parrot-system exams who selects not intelligent, NOT highly educated people, but rather stupid people who only manages to use ready machines buys even how to knoledge people are supported to sell them their created products.  Opening universities in a country will never tAke country to a better level if the needs of this field is best created in a different country. The consumer will buy the best how-to-knowledge or products even if found only in a foreign country.
The intelligent creative brained people is a race, but such race brained people of USA rather unwantedly harms their race if this race is in low level countries even if they hate harming them. Since USA is an educated intelligent people  collecting country. to satisfy its industry brain power needs, that all parrots but not some imigrate lover creative intelligent people populates in other countries of the world is not the good think for humanity overall development. Any low level government is supposed to conscious about higher technology governments that guides low level country educational systems or industry freely via how-to-do-knowledge, or ready machines, product export.

This immigrant notes are a different post. But, for some countries, when not urban but the rural geographical places are empty to try settling, when the race is not that much important for such rural areas, even the people to make government is levelled by immigration procedures wittily.

* On earth, the geographical disasters also demands a special race for special geographical places. USA is an empty vast land in some places, but if technology creative people are matched to these areas, they will survive even in under bad nature conditions. Not parrot but creative, problem hierarchies solving brain race is most needed in USA. USA also is a country that needs talented bodies under a super brain.
Recent centuries all improved technologies were from USA, and still and will be at least for centuries from USA. Is it the climate, storms, floods, far away pierced places cities requiring fast cars that made American soul wanting intelligent people or why it is USA that needs superior brains. Yes, the geography nature of USA teaches the truth that poor humans can not beat small or big disasters without superior brain works developing perfect technologies. It is USA land settlers that benefits from highest technologies to survive on a vast land. On other countries the land is not large, empty, beating nature is not wanted that much, even animals will survive more or less on some lands but USA is a land of superior technology requirements.
In middle ages frequent wars was not because then wild people were enjoying wars more, but there was land shortage problem, since discovered America is a big land place habitable by technological aids, people immigrates to empty lands instead of wars.
will human population ever reach to a level that even a new continent will not be enough. But, technologies are that better, people may even live on big ships but not create Land shortage wars.
In old days the price of habitable lands were too expensive to buy, then people did wars. Today technologies will even turn a sea into a land, making war is costly and against-to-any-human-future-life-quality, than buying urban technologies.
The shortge is not human population, but intelliegent human population. All technologies are products of the brains that makes less than 3 percent of total human. Not all human will be able to create milesstone technologies in any field. 
This intelligent people carried human to better happy lifes, but never paid with the money they deserved.Fcking identity thieves and their government supporters prevented valuble people to have the salaries they deserve.An insect can not be paid with the same salary a  technology developer deserves. Religious people believes in other world punishment, I wnt this orld punishment. on this world there should be a way to give the correct amount to milesstone creators. there is not any law doing this in practice, though absolute law requires this.  mY SALaRY İS STOLEN via high level government workers via identity thieves, damn them. You fckng identity thieves, liers I will not leave the world to you to fck absolute law(not the law of some sold-to-identity-thieves judges)