
Friday, September 13, 2013

Religion is less important than genetic eye shape color of a person.

Is it possible to classify human brains according to the their tendency to some religions versus other religions.
The anwer is No. Although somewhat the tendecy to believe in something but not the other without any logic is associated with human brain work level; if we take twins, same skin, eye color, same biology, but educated differently starting from very early age.
One will differ to believe in one particular religion, wheres the other might be believing in a different religion or not believe in any religion but lead life by absolute law, science or technologic  knowledge.
To me the essential is the biology of the human, I ouşdpity ifsimilar blood, similar important gen human ould harm each other in the nameof stupid believes. Because, their far generations will find the enviroment to lead their genetic dominancy, will like friend having similar genes, but since their ancestor erased their potential mates in the past for stupid belief classifications, future generations would stay lonely.
I am lucky person ho recogniesmy next generation possible mates biologically, geneticallyand I knowto avoid to harm bloodwho re futuremtestomy nextgenerations.Racis  I am to plan a future to my blood. Anyone is so, only stupids ill harm theirown blood, or sell their blood for the ake of daily happiness.
There are belief structures to make people to end their own good genes by making them enemy to their own blood.
We always need to describe a model perfect human, his/her  genes and the law to protect ideal human.
Ideal perfect brains are not much, I will not allow to erase perfect human brains in the name of game, some beliefs, or  whatever.
I value human brain versus animal brain, though I believe that many human gene is close to animals.
In this regard, regarding the protecting valuable human brains, no religion on earth is enough to recognize perfect human brain.
However, I witnessed that though somewhat called religious, many religious but lawful educated people still recognized, respected the methods, tools over religion naking valuable human brains.
religion never ever can be sufficient to answer crucial questions answered by Science,Medicine, Law, technology.
For me the eye color, the skin color, the shape, width of eyes, the width of eye pupilla, the ability to understand the gist of a text, hand ability, voice control etc much more important the class of religion.  
Today we are so lucky that contrary to old days when any religion stayed short to answer important problems, today there is Law, Medicine, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, History, behavioral sciences, etc Sciences to answer most problems. Abuse of any field ill not change the value of absolute law, or other fields.

The big living religions are not created to erase some races, but religion is a good tool in bad hands to divide a genetically same blood race at first in opposing groups, loose their stance as  a community against around dangers, then easily erase the remained less population. Or the weakened population race will be erased easily.
Religion is not something that guides my life; but absolute Law, Medicine, Science, Mathematics, History, Behavioral Sciences etc.
What is worse is most religious people are in religion not really for the any good suggested thinks in religion. my religion by country classification is Islam. My many good teachers were Islam religion,  my superior work achievements were accomplished with some atheist and some different sub-Christian religious co-workers in a Christian country.
An identity thief who has ÖZDOĞAN father surname, V-ÖZDOĞAN birth name all over the places mentions about its muslim belief, the identity thief V-ÖZDOĞAN takes support from the identity-thief helper government worker who are also muslims to harm good working people, to stop valuable life activity of valuable people.
Another identity thief V-TUNÇ is not muslim, but kurdish-related religious. bUT WHEN İT COMES TO STEAL THE RİGHTS, THESE İDENTİTY THİEVES whether christian, indian, muslim, kurdish-religion FORGETS ABOUT ANY RELİGİON, AND SUPPORTS THEİR İLLEGALİTY to harm valuable people. Religion is only a gun for their illegality, it is not their religions teaching them to steal identities abusing marriage law to harm valuable people.
Another internet vandalizing thief minded person is indian religious person with Mahend..-Thapa name. Another says he is atheist. Another person at the high level of justice department abuses the law himself to steal important people achievements toecure his salary. There is a different company with christion religion harming my legal rights. All these thief minded people are not thief because their religion or atheist philosophy teached them to vandalize other people owned, sites, identitities, but because they are damned thief minded by genetically or by damned family that could not teach them not to steal other people properties, or identities. Religion is not enough to guide a life in present day world, religion still can be good in some places in some small questions, some peoplewants to abuse religion as a tool to steal other people rights. Religion is not more than an outfit we buy with our budget.
Some outfits are too much restricting to move for life, some outfits are not sufficient to protect against real life danger, some outfits of some people are even stolen-the fashion they carry is stolen.
Thief person is thief mostly because of his genes, bad blood, stupid brain, jealousy of hard working people achievements.
I alwy prefer someracesover others, because my statistics showed me tht some narrow-eyed people are not intelligent and likes other people achievements, some too narrow eye pupil people might harm their own blood, big-wide eyes good, white people with good hands are good. I calculated that at least on thousand people, race tellsmemore thn religion of a person. People who has biology similar to my eyes, to my wide eye-shape to my head size, to my fat tissue, to my skin have similar brain activities with me. The fabrics of tissue is also important forme toimagine the brain activity of someone. That someone is in different sub-group of Christianity does not tellme much.
The next generation of someone is very meningful to me to undertnd the dominant genes of a person. I like dominancy in any good gene.
Despite the fact that in this east europian country I never want to see millions with ugly narrow-eyes, in a different country if the geograpy, the weather requires ugly but weather resistant eyes, it will not be this country concern. Or if again climate requires some ugly skins, colors it will be their country choice. But, some already established countries already proved their eye shapes, skin colors etc. If religions of some countries change I do not mind, but if the races of some countries changes using religion  as a gun, I will disagree, erasing already established gene for countries already clear. such a Japans are narrow-eyed pure white people, their undersclera is famous. But, europians are never narrow eyed, europians are known by their colored eyes. Between Europians, polish people are known with their big eyes, metal-rich hair, pure white freckled skin. Middle east people are never narrow-eyed, Turkish people are with big overall nice eyes, with white skin, not insect-muscle type. Russian people are white skinned, coloredeyed, but some medical treatable immun differences made russions seperated from europians. Some people are with nice big eyes, white skin but they are with excess body hair.