
Friday, August 9, 2013

My fat-free high protein high fresh fruits, vegetables diet; the breakfast I had today

Today (9-8-2013) I get up around 7:45 in the morning.

MY BREAKFAST MEAL (started at 8:00 ended at 9:30 o'clock)

My breakfast started with cucumbers(~500 gram).
Fresh raw fruits (apricot, peach, kiwi) and
cooked aubergine.
I ate 1 cooked aubergine with fruits.
1 additional cooked aubergine I ate with cooked red meat (At least 300 gram,-wet-weight meat).
With cooked (boiled with salt and onions then microwaved) fat-free meat, I ate raw sliced white onions.
I also ate 5 egg whites cooked with onions. I mixed meat and egg-whites.
Many glasses of hot tea.
Then I ate 16 hazelnuts.
At the end of my breakfast, I ate 1 spoon natural honey.
sugar-free  gums are healthy after meals.

MY AFTERNOON AND DINNER  MEAL (started at 16.00 ended at 19:00 o'clock)

My afternoon meal started around 16:00 with
mineral water, and cucumbers(~500 gram).
At 16:30 I started to eat my warm/hot foods. I ate
cooked aubergine (3 cooked warm aubergines)
drank many glasses of hot tea,
5 egg-whites cooked with onions (with salt).
Two pieces of cooked red meat, beef steak.
and 3 apricots


Mineral Water( 0.5 Liter)



1 Apple, 1 spoon honey, mineral water.

Fresh Fruits:
~ 700 gr fruits= 310 calorie
Cooked vegetables:
1000 gr raw Aubergine=150 cal
Raw vegetables:
Onion: 25 cal
Cucumber: 120 cal
Protein sources:
Trimmed lean red Meat, 360 gr = ~12 oz=480 cal
16 Hazelnuts: ~145 cal
10 Egg whites: 150 cal
Natural Honey: 2 spoons=70 cal
Total: 1450 calorie/day
Calorie intake should be evaluated considering individual exercise activity, age, and body weight.
I am a female older than 50, I am at my ideal weight (about 49,5 kg). This special day, I walked about 1 hour, and completed 15 minutes exercise on my exercise machines. 
The above 1450 calorie/day diet is a perfect healthy eating day for my calorie calculated high protein, high vegetable, almost fat-free weight maintenance diet.
If someone is able to write a logical diet to maintain her/his current weight, then from such a calorie calculated diet list, by cutting down some foods or some amounts is a good method to prepare weight loosing diet. A perfect dietitian is not the one who immediately give a weight loosing diet, but who gives an immediate weight maintaining diet for any individual.
For example, if I leave out honey, hazelnut and some eggs from the list above, It will drop ~ 290 calories a day: since consuming 7000 cal adds 1 kg fat to human body; 290 calories/day will make 5.5 kg change on any human body over 10 years.

(Unfortunately current many parrot-like educational systems, fails to honor intelligent dietitians whose knowledge is not parrot-like but problem solving. They memorize and memorize but fail to manipulate what they memorized. One good dietitian calculates the percent distribution of foods between calories, some parrot dietitians, instead of learning mathematics, calorie calculation, some essential knowledge to tailor individual requirements, rather memorize some limited lists to harm bodies with too restricted unhealthy diets.

1000 years from now probably some improvement in all human surgeries will occur, but the current surgical procedures such as Gastric Bypass combating obesity are torture to people, health is not only a lean body, but mostly a brain who is nurtured with healthy functioning digestive system.
That many animals eat everything, eat excess fat/oil and stay at ideal weight never means that are something to idol. The genes that makes intelligent human brains, also tend to make people prone to obesity. That my brain is superior to other people, and not phenotype, but share genes with obese people of the world makes me believe that the genes making obesity easy, also makes superior brains created more easily. Sure I do not want people die from obesity, I am saying that some lipid genes which helps to create superior brains, might be the genes causing obesity.
Only with perfect applications of refined science knowledge of calorie, protein, vitamin calculation, healthy cooking, exercise etc I am not obese; but I like that my genes are superior to some animal genes that stay lean by eating anything, any fat/oil ..or never show any feeling to search food that their brain is not nutritioned well, because their brain is almost nonexistent by birth genetically. My field is health that is why I am lucky to have refined knowledge of human body to create such almost fat-free weight maintaining perfect diet for myself, but those who are in different fields, unfortunately fails to find knowledge to help them regarding what to eat; they unfortunately fail to maintain body weight, and with many too fast weight loosing diets they further valuable minerals, body essential muscle, bone mass, vitamins, cofactor from to worse).

Look at animals, they are hardly obese, so what. The brain activity, brain work that counts.

Many discoveries of current blessed science are created by those people who are prone to obesity. Their brain have good detectors noticing that they need to eat something. The duty of science is not to blame obesity, but to find correct foods to feed superior brains. Superior large brains need high amino acids, high protein sources, also they need some foods such as polyaccarides found in vegetables to block fast fat/oil absorbance to brain from digestive system, human brain lipids structure is superior to fat/oil found in most foods, superior brain lipids should not be diluted with bad lipid from foods. This healthy diet restricts excess fat/oil from food.
Most important meal is the breakfast. I might skip eating meat at noon; or at dinner, but I never ever skip my breakfast.
That I eat fruits, vegetable and protein source together with hot water (tea) at breakfast, is essential for a healthy day.

I do not drink hot tea with relatively colder cucumber; for protection of teeth and stomach from sudden temperature changes. At least 5 glass of hot tea I drink when eating warm aubergine and fat-free red meat during my breakfast.