
Sunday, August 18, 2013

is a real someone there at never helps anything any longer.
ıS THERE A way TO STOP vandalization of outside domain URLs by  without shutting this site which was founded with scientific friendly aims. How sad I am that such a potential site is fcked by identity thief helpers, fcked by bandits who hates, who are jealous of hard working OUTSTANDİNG, highest level educated people, with highest level problem solving capacity.
here there is no answer to the most crucial valuable question that describes how's  VIEW PUBLICATION module screws law, infringes on outer URLs to vandalize journal rights, author rights in such a modern century, and none can stop such illegality of bandits in so called modern law working world. They will find out a poor person who in reality does nothing that big harming internet related, but such big crimes domains fcks any right without any punishment on themselves, wastes times, attacks on valuable work, valauble people to help identity thieves who hides their birthnames. bandits helps to identity thieves to hide their birthnames(father surname) so that such identity thieves will harm valauble people.
Are identity thieves giving some shares to to harm valuable authors of outstanding articles? Who knows. Such people will sell history of humanity, a valuable article, manuscript work creator, for nothing to any identity thief who hides their birthname, even for a dollar. You fckng bandit there I am not going to leave the world to you to screw valuable scientific works, to screw any valuable think, go deceit stupids, thief minded people as you who would in reality clean their buttocks by the most valuable paper of the world if they needed. You, Do not use valuable manuscripts to clean buttocks. Sure you will find criminals as you to believe in your fabricated lies. What is next where you are headed to screw to make some working brain work harmed.
Screenshot.1 : Illegal error URL disassociates an document URL from correct URL; tries to fck original citations of manuscripts, article from valuable journals, never replies any complaint.  
As seen on the screenshot there is a violating URL on that illegally lists some URLs(highlighted around with pink color) that are nothing to do 'Determinantal solution of density .....'  title. On this URL, lies that the URLs under the View Publication module are with this title on original journal site. The lie of immediately proven when the URLs visited. The error URL is not valid for to index by it search engine, but since this page already illegally, infringingly mismatches a title with an outer URL. The outer URL can not be linked to the correct other URL.
When the 'View Publication' module URLs visited it turns out that contrary to illegal list, the listed URLs has totally different manuscript article.
Yes, that clear, easily catched  the lies made by
The consequence of this URL is further illegality of for its own system. fortunately only screws, and screws its own system, but even listing outer URLs under incorrect title is fckngl illegal. This fuckingly illegal URL steals the keywords from the other URL which has correct title, correct text, correct citation (fortunately confined to primitive illegal system, original journal sites are nothing to do with stupidness of MeanWhile, to screw anything unshameslly from its technical failures uses words such as JOURNALS!, OR ACADEMIC! without really any appropriate action OR BENEFİT , to screw these words usage further, in already confused hierarchie of tHEY KNOw wHAT JOURNAL MEAN AS A sTREET DOG KNOWS BUT USES İT TO NAME  on ALİAS DOMAİN arbitrarily NONE KNOWS FOR WHAT. You stupid there, journal is the outer original full-text site. I believethe valuable engineer passes aay, and none is there with brain knows the probabl perect system but only fck it. features the same manuscript article under two title; one is correct as found on the original journals site, the other is error as screenshotted above. But, there is no internet legitimate person on to understand such an error, all brainless people, or none is there. They are stupid bandits who rather like to steal any valuable thing, to fck the history of the science, and help identity thieves who hides their birthnames, theirfather surnames. Though stupid technology makes two URLs, one correct the other as error, blocks the link from correct but misuses it on illegal URL. It will take only 5 minutes to visit the listed URLs to see that lies fucks the citation history of world shamelessly, without any punishment as always occur when the entire compny fcks internet law. such domains at first fcks any law then searches little response againts their heavy internet crimes and attacks on such poor people, in this century law is not existing to stop such companies internet tehnology misusage crime. it does not allow you to tell them that they are fucking the history of fornothing but to help an identity thief who tries to hide birthname/fathersurname. Such identity thieves are brainless to create perfect milesstones in science, they try to deceit world by changing their name to the people who creates milesstones in health sciences. Such identity thieves hate health sciences, hate that somepeople studies highest levels, works hard to help some diseases. These people never have any aim to save valuable brains to go on their work of milestones of health sience. these people  will sell anything valuable to identity thieves even the slip of their mothers. 
 They are that stupid, ı could be able to teach a street dog what a module is, but you can not teach the microsof.combandits that the VIEW PUBLICATIONS module which links to outer domains can not be edited, updated to remove an error URL link. There is a stupid thing there even would further harm me for my great superior work which made him earn some money from such a scientific site. You fckng stupid there it is my unbelievable work that  even made you buy something to eat to earn money, you thief shameless brainless person you will sell your mother slip for a dollar.    
This site with its disgusting attacks on valuable works, so far wasted my valuable time devoted to science by its infringing URLs, failed technology abusive approaches, by its bandit minded workers that likes rather to promote identity thieves who abusing marriage law stolen valuable people names and hides their birth names. My sadness is extreme, becuse thee banditsare the ones who are supposed to save the valauble worksof human history without loosing even a dot. Any country that pushes such crime should be also punished in internationl level for harming,  the valaublebrains of humnity who puts the milesstones of health sciences.
This site never does hat it promises on its help section. It fabricates infringing URLs which takes a valuable file URL from an outer domain and abuse it under a wrong title or abtract to screww science history. To screw the truth of any citation documentation of journals, to scre someone need to find the abstract and to reach full tet. No other sitemakes that much wrongnes to science.
It fabricates journalcitations such that hen you and find the journal to see full-tet it turns out that this abusive site takes the from one journal-article, and lies that it is found in a nonexistent issue of a journal. Yes there is a technical failure taking an abstract and can not reaching to the full-text, but when you give them exact URLs, the workers at this are more stupid than the dogs one see in street. Some people even say that even does not hire any orker to see the problems of this site.
 at here they newer answers many important crime of such as screwing correct citations by fabricating nonexisting nonfoundable citation, journal issues.
Each journal article is known by the journal published it, the year the journal published it, the title of the manuscript article, the issue of the article the pages of the manuscript on the journal. This is called the citation information of an article. screws such an important history committing any scientific crime to any extent by its stupidness.
Is there anyone there except bug in the system working none knows. For example it takes an physicosnoso.. journal article titled with 'determinat fck' and fabricates an URL on which the  'determinat fck' titled article manuscript is explained in detail. Instead of linking to the physicosnoso.. journal, it finds another much more valuable manuscript from diabetescos journal and links 'determinat fck' to more valuable diabetescos journal. If someone sees the abstract and clicks the link finds that the full-text is nothing to do with the abstract seen on the URL.
here the problem mentioned but never answered by any worker.
Let say your profile edited approved and is good, then suddenly they delete the content from your profile harming legal rights violating any law. There is no law on internet to stop illegality of or such domains illegality. deliberately tried to help an identiy thief who in reality hate any valauable brain working on hard disease problem, who in reality appearin scientific world not to contribute health pro blem but to stel the positions of valauble hard working people to increae salaries, I looked t this identity thief doings it turned out tht they are nothing.
There are something there seeming they re doing but the money they re paid, the money wasted on doing, the thing they did in long term turn out rather misleading fromcorrect way. You identity thief i am not going to leve the world to you to harm the cures of big health problem, you are not enemy of only me, you are enmy of any superior brain ho is cabable todo problem olving better than you, you would even kill someone even if you kno that this person is bout to do  great work to solve humnity helth problems. You fckng identity thief you hate me and anyone wanting tocure diseases.

 Some says none is there, but possibly the bandits attacking on valuable work there. would even sell its mothers slip for only a  dollar. The bandits of does not have any KNOWLEDGE, A DOG İN STREET İS BETTER TO TEACH tHAT A MANUSCRİPT, VALUABLE ARTİCLE İS.
I was so glad when I saw this site years ago, but now it is under nonscientific people hands, or under bugs to violate human scientific history. what the fck they suddenly changes your already confirmed information arbitrarily none knows, because there is not law to protect someone against this site crime. site CIRCLES(Follower Module) doesnot dicern between an illegal stalker and an approved follower. The simplest to understand is to check if the man ho follows someone is found in other profile CIRCLES module, if not this probably men that the follower in reality i stalking the other profile. Many other sites had such problem, but they hired intelligent engineers to solve it, while rther likes that bug to create victims of