Monday, July 8, 2013

Search engine engineers should study how a scientific paper is written, associated with keywords

Search Engine engineers, whether software or hardware, first of all should study how an outstanding peer reviewed American University scientific paper describes a picture, a graph. And then engineers should give instructions to describe photos on some internet sites.
All photos are without any description over them. Then search engines takes any photo and labels it arbitrarily.
If a photo is uploaded to, it should be mandatorily  arranged to be labelled. Social Security Number(Hided but associated with account), with Birth Certificate Identity etc. and to declare that no conflict present in terms of copyright. At present somehow it is possible to remove photos if copyright violation occur on But, is a jungle of animals mostly where all the photos either violates copyrights, unpermitted photos uploaded, or photos never described in detail to help search engines. in terms of law is not a place to take seriously really. 99% photos will violate law, a profile should not be allowed to upload a photo of someone else without permission, but who knows what is on, It is a jungle of animals putting photos on internet. If the users never learn to label photos, or rather prefer not label them, or deny law during labelling, then search engines will not be able to reach anywhere to trust, or in law; but, some stupid search engine image workers will arbitrarily take all the photos and match them some names of or even vandalize copyrighted internet photos arbitrarily. There is no law on mostly.
The identity thief V-Tunç uses all the law weakness of to deceit internet stupids. takes the labels of one profile and writes them over other profiles, any photo/label never is something to trust.
Search engine engineers should study how a scientific paper is written, associated with keywords. The  scientific article writing format rules has been maintained by all USA top universities. A paper is never a oil-painted art, a scientific paper will not even put a dot on a graph without the description of it. Ones all graphs described, then current technology already will find anything(That image worker abuses its own technology and labels images arbitrarily is not the fault of technology but its bad usage).

Search engine image workers are too primitive, when sees a photo rather having it labelled in law correctly, they arbitrarily associates names URLs violating law. I do not respect any search engine image worker usage of technology, they abuses technology. Once it was some bad newspapers who taking photos and fabricating lies over them, now it is stupid, technology-brainless search engine image workers who deceits internet, who violates law, who abuses internet serch engine technology created by valuable engineers. Such newspapers never ashamed that every other day their mistakes found immediately as the lies of google.comimage worker. image worker lies only will able to deceit the stupids brainless internet users who lacks to know internet law. Most law department members even fails to understand, apply internet law, some even is not aare what helpsection promises/declares.
Recently, after some not internet but some real life events, some real life illegality, real life harm; I felt I am taking too seriously these stupid internet search engine image workers harm. But, I value the technology.


Below is an example how image worker takes a specific name or phrase, and arbitrarily even abusing gret technology, associates such a specific name with pages that might have some words of the name but never the exact phrase or the specific name. fckng take you pages that never write the exact name or phrase. Exact name or exact phrase search is different from  searches that returns all pages even if lacks someordsof the phrase.  Why ggle.comimage orkerdoes this? Because is an illegal person ho wants to help thief minded illegal people abusing great technology. image worker should be kicked off today for attacking people by misusing technology to fabricate lies to distort truth to deceit stupid internet users. But, since it is easier to distort the truth rather than using/improving real technology appropriately, this stupid image worker is still there and still every day is deceiting stupids of internet.
Any average internet user will see how stupidly this person abuses technology, but there are many stupids of internet who will be deceited stupid search engine image worker.
I reported this problem legaldepartment of and search engine legal department is not at all its old days with bright brains, is full of stupids who rather further violates law against own policies founded by bright old brains of search engine. loves that indexes its meaningless pages even if stupid. even destroys its better older standards  if notices that stupid arrangement causes more pages indexed by

Some years ago I used to take seriously, at present I know that all stupid are at this law department who knows technology mistakes as much as my dog on street. I regret that I spent my valuable time to file  Copyright Infringements to department. for taking my name and associating it to a photo that is nothing to do with my name. A photo had been listed with my name asociated URLs by illegal-stupid company; removed photo agreed that photo has a different name, now google is indexing this fckng stupid photo, associating it my law complaint. this is what fckng law department understand as low as an animal. İf you are an internet victim of illegal technology harmer site, you stay for ever an internet vict. ıF İLLEGAL YASNİ.COM stupidsinsufficient technology illegally arbitrarily associates your name with a wrong image, you will stay a victim forever by an arrangement of stupid law department workers. Because they are stupid to understand that arbitrarily associates photos and some other names on a page. That google.comla department behaves illegal only harms its own technology. Maybe I take technology mistakes seriously too much. But, if the illegality, mistakes continues that will harm technology. They hate that engineers created good search engine technologies, they abuses such great technologies to harm people, or to deceit internet stupids.
Not any person, but If a technical mistake of search engine causes a image result infringing your copyrights, again it will be filed to law department. But, the law department of all are illegitimate, uneducated  of any internet image search engine technology. They are that uneducated brainless they even fail to see and forward a technical mistake related infringing photo to technical department.
The photo owner himself did not associated the photo with my name, the owner of the photo even does not know that his photo is infringing my rights. Not everyone looks at stupid pages, it was that takes any image arbitrarily from internet and fabricate an infringing URL on internet. The law department of should be filled with technology educated lawyers not with primitive monkey educated people. The technical interface between and itself creating infringing google.comimage results. If a lawyer of fails to understand such technology fabricated infringing results, then such a person should rather go to zoo.
Let say you reported some sites that again fabricate URLs infringing your rights, then none replies to you, if you do not file legally but use such forms,  google.comeven does not read your complaints. I agree that if one complaints, then should be able to all the way with law. A big search engine can not have enough team to reply all anonymous complaints.
Does a major search engine duty such as, is to work as a detective worker, or ork asifon a different job..
No, the duty of internet search engine is not even to report a crime to save a life. If the image worker arbitrarily make a mistake to even a save life, to prevent someone from killing an innocent person; from the point of internet crime, the image worker will be guilty for destroying search engine technology from correct working. Each person should confine her/his work established lawfull duties. But, internet classification of educational sites, public sites, anonymous sites should be well recognized. Most of all the image working language will only lead to confuse minds. Nobody has any right to make public any private photo, or message, this is already law, to break this law abusing a valuabletechnology should be punished even if a life is in danger. image worker is abusing image result for her/his jelaous feelings to people, or to dominate her/his personal wishes. The truth is most important not that a thief deceits stupidgoogle.comimage worker to satisfy the stupid feelings of googlecomimage worker.

An example is a journalist witness photographer, the duty of such a photographer is to catch the moment, none can blame such a person not working as a life guard but doing special technical job.

Even the English Language to describe in definite, precise any photo has difficulties. The animals are from this jungle, they see all, but only hav-hav or hav-pause-hav or hav-hav.hav.hav.hav will not convey a description but chaos, are you fckngly trying to destroy human communication language systems by abusing photos. Your fckng job is to respect the URL content, what an URL describe an image. Your brainless behaviour only mimicks animals. Instead of respecting well designed URLs, you and illegal fckngly steal photos and change original arrangements, because of your animal jelaous feeling against good URLs. Shame on you that you even do not respect the standard of giant search engine technology. You are there for nothing but abusing technology to violate rights.
For example in one scientific paper, dashes describe increase in a parameter, but in another it may be opposite or for a different parameter. Your brainless mind will take such things not more than my dog on street, leave technology alone, go to zoo.
