
Sunday, June 23, 2013

AFTER the summer solstice on June 21 days start getting shorter until December 21 winter solstice

This summer because of abnormal temperature change even over a day, bad damp air, that water boiling was weird, longer time to bubble, big bubbles to boil (I boil water to make tea etc) and some other things made me think that İndia and Canada might have abnormal nature events this summer. Floods earthquake storms share comparable physics eplanation. That floods occurred rather implied to me that the earthquakes are unlikely, flood are bad, but earthquakes are worse for some lands.
Anyone knows that the days are starting to shorten after june 21, that simultaneous flood occurred in that day is meaningful and supports my light absorption changes by change in the sun. This year sunlight frequency is low but is strong to reach deep levels of Earth, this event might be increased by the moves of some planets towards Earth in their orbits to  reflect/block light to Earth.

Notes to remember:
Earth’s oblong (elliptical) orbit brings it closest to the sun around New Year’s Day, in winter.
 (Most people think that the seasons are caused by the Earth coming closer and farther away from the sun, but that's incorrect,
It’s not Earth’s distance from the sun that makes hot weather in July; it’s the tilt of its rotational axis.
In summer, the North Pole tilts toward the sun, causing sunlight to arrive from more nearly overhead, spreading out less on the ground. )

ıT IS NOT easy to calculate precisely the meeting angle between a special Earth surface coordinate and a special wavelength sunlight. 
The interacting parameters all might not stable. In any case, it is definite that a well defined tilt of Earth will absorb coming sunlight from when Earth tilt is different by chemistry etc. The force making Earth to turn around itself and the tilt might change if some planets come closer, etc.
Change in coming sunlight more or less result in change in special mass in Earth, or change in Earth chemistry to cause or not cause changes in  Earth geography.  I am busy With the identity thieves, I do not have time to do all calculations using the formula to calculate the mass that equal to special amount of light at a special coordinate of Earth. 
Unless the unit using calculations are not employed, saying that 'some light is missing then an earthquake is possible', is similar to say two tea spoon drops of water added to the ocean and the ocean flooded to cover Earth. There are thresholds to cause overt changes. 

A good question is how the meeting between the Sun and Earth coordinates changes.
(Think that each day you see a dog running towards to you, but sometimes you see its shoulder closest, sometimes you see its face closest to you).
In December which side of Earth is having most broken sunlight (The broken sunlight might have too wide angle).
Though the Earth is closest to the Sun in December, the Earth is shaded on some places, in some atmospheric levels; or, in deep Earth-crust by the tilt shade. The sunlight reaching to Earth has an angle which makes long wavelenght light absorption difficult, whereas the short wavelength sunlight absorption will not be affected that much by the tilt of Earth. The earth has different compounds, some absorb long wavelength light well, some absorb short wavelength light well. The tilt probably changes the chemical reactions in Earth composing elements via change in light absorption.
Some areas are rich in Metal, some soil is rich in Calcium, some areas are rich in Water.
Current spectroscopy technology already is able to calculate the energies from coming light on elements, but not at a point to map elements on Earth, each element absorbs different wavelenght better. Current knowledge of Earth element composition is something but not detailed.
Atmosphere has most gases, sea is full of with water changing in deep minerals, big islands or high mountains are rich in metals.

The tilt, the face, or the distance of Eart to Sun; via absorbed light amount will make some storms, some floods, some earthquakes more likely to happen.
For example, the Atlantic sea atmosphere absorbs different wavelengt of Sun light when the Earth is not too far and and too tilted (shaded); as a result, during such times the Atlantic sea storms are more likely.

I am trying to spare more time to walk in fresh air, to cook etc with my limited budget. I did not requested, I am not paid for any of my good projects regarding Earth Geological Storm, quake etc Disaster Prediction projects. My field is Life Sciences, but as I said on my previous posts on this blog, after experiencing an Earthquake I wondered earthquake etc predictions.
I do not have time myself to do further correlations calculations between some parameters such as
the depth of the earthquakes and
 the orbital distance of Earth to the Sun considering the exposure to sunlight.
Does some earthquakes of in deeper Earth more when the Earth is exposed to the sunlight tilted but from a closer place? All relates to the short, long wavelenght sunlight absorbance by Earth elements.
Earthquake prone areas of Earth are not exposed to the Sun same each year, because the Earth turns around itself each day changing the angle to expose to Sun. Day and night tells us which areas faces the Sun, which ares are absorbing more Sunlight on a special date. Each year different surface of Earth takes sunlight more. Some places as in figure iii takes less sunlight on some years.

This imaginary image/caricature compares two different years of Earth at the same place on its orbit, but since the Earth completes a full turn on itself in a day, over years and years; though exactly at the same distance to the Sun, the places looking at to the Sun is not the same. In other words day and night occurring places are not the same though the distance to Sun is exactly the same.
This image(fig i, ii, iii ) is imaginary, because I did not have time or money to go over any current; or, obtainable  data to prove that in the year:105XX the Atlantic Ocean looks to the Sun, but in the year 104XX the Atlantic Ocean does not look to the Sun, but another continent of the Earth  looks to the Sun from the same coordinate of the Universe.
An initial study would investigate the
-the depth of the Earthquakes,
-the exact Earth coordinate on the orbit around the Sun,
-The local and universal time of the earthquakes, night or day.

Would such a small change in Sunlight exposure/light-angle could cause noticeable quakes/storms etc is still a question to answer? My answer is Yes.
My below brainstorming on the simultaneous creation of Earth-moon is for another post (probably I do not have time between my other priorities) but I squeezed it here. My concern is Earthquakes, storms, however a mind without touching to the universal knowledge, will never able to find the best way to answer the question of a small location in universe. Educational system failure is that the interfield educations are fcked/screwed. My strenght is to be able to jump from universe to the smallest living creatures physics/chemistry contradictions, I am good to manipulate any simple-to-highest knowledge I got, with my brainstorming. My mind easily bridges, or most importantly skips any knowledge, someone who could learn as much as I do can be easily found by current parrot educational systems, but someone who could self guide skip things to go priority knowledge with correct flows regarding the question is hardly found, but I am lucky I found my mind-similars via online systems. Although perfect-Geometry/mathematics, perfect physics knowledge(not parrot-like physics learning, but math/quantification physics knowledge is essential in any field of science (not for the low level workers/contributors of science who takes how-to knowledge from high level).


Figure J1. An imaginary image/caricature. Both the round shape/geometry, and that Sun revolves/turns on itself cause the Sunlight abandon Sun with an angle more than 0 angle degree, that fact results in sunlight crushes/collides onto Sunlight. Compared to the energy of inner Sun, the energy in abandoning Sunlight is very low. Somehow reminded to me the already known Eigen thing.

Figure j2.
Figure j3. Sunlight abondones Sun not directly, but scattered with an angle, Sun turning force scatters, changes the abandoning sunlight angle from zero to different degrees. I imagined such abandoning sunlight, also investigating the characteristics, physical properties of light as proved by former Physics-Light scientists 'wave-particle light' theory. To understand revolving effect remember .this...


When sunlight crushes onto sunlight, Light intersections have many more than one possibilities to turn into gas. I am assuming that when light collides on itself sometimes, results in hot gas planet. When sunlight crushes into sunlight the resultant light will either nil, or have greater level energy light.

If  I were a spaceship chef I would try to find Nitrogen, Oxygen gas not on a planet without any satellite, but a planet which has  satellite comparable to moon/Earth ratio. The sunlight turnable from light energy to gas after travelling in space when collides/crushes on its own with resulting gas gives birth to both planet and its satellite.

 Figure K. Imaginary Image. The planet Saturn has many satellites, probably, the sunlight colliding to give gas matter was from the larger surface of Sun.
Figure L. Imaginary Image. The 2 lights (colored as blue in the figure) creating Earth and moon simultaneously is travelling from smaller surface of Sun to the final destiny (an universe-coordinate) to turn into gas/matter.