
Saturday, January 19, 2013

make an experiment with amino-acids(Protein source is egg-whites) in your kitchen

Never omit proteins from your diet.
The foods we eat are mainly composed of from Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fat.
The building-blocks of Proteins are amino-acids.
Most recent studies proved that eating sufficient amino acids prevents many diseases such as Accelerated Aging, Diabetes, Heart Failure, Muscle weakness etc.
In present century, after the Flour products increased, hardly anyone eats sufficient protein.
Many stupid diets cuts protein sources from diet specially for obese people without any scientific reason, but because they likes to advertise Flour rich food market.  
That some genetic diseases will prevent amino-acid absorption, or usage is not the concern of this post here.
If a person with healthy genes do not eat sufficient protein to have sufficient amino-acids, the metabolism deteriorates.
There are thousand of research articles demonstrating the healthy effects of amino-acids.
If you want to see the miracle of the amino-acids chemical characteristics, do an experiment in your kitchen.
Egg-whites are almost unique they are pure protein composed of amino-acids. Take egg whites, whip them in air, see that the volume of egg whites increases, 
 beat air into egg whites. when the egg-whites are stirred with air, amino acid bind to Oxygen gas in air. Between all other useful functions, this Oxygen binding(Oxygen buffering) of amino-acids is another function of food protein in body cells. Such oxygen binding characteristics is not of all other foods. Healthy Oxygen use is essential for health, prevents Diabetes, prevents aging. Amino-acids are friendly with Oxygen, they are not harmed by Oxygen. However, if Oxygen can not find sufficient amino-acids in human cells if a person protein malnutritioned, the functional Oxygen-gas-chemical-species can not be swinged/streamed well in cell healthily, rather impedes.

Watch the whippin egg-whites here:

Meanwhile, though I have written this post to recommend protein-rich foods,
Souffle itself is my favorite tasty food any time. As I already written in my previous posts, I never use, table sugar in my foods but natural bee honey. To cook Souffle I add I cup egg-whites to one cup honey, whip them and cook them in microwave. I eat Souffle even if I am on a weight losing diet, because protein is essential for a healthy diet.
Egg-whites should be cooked very well. Raw egg-whites are not healthy(Rf).
That egg-whites bind to some metals such as Aluminium is important in explaining some biological differences, but also will change the taste.
Egg-whites will be cooked better if whipped with honey.
I also like egg-whites salty; with vegetables, such as pepper, onion to cook better.