Monday, December 3, 2012

Is selection of land by ancestors determines how superior a nation is?

None likes short time wealth. some land are more dangerous than others. some land have frequent earthquakes some has big but long interval earthquake, even allowing a nation well developing to wealth, government.
Knowledge in Geography allowed some human to have better futures. Those nations who had a history of lands who better adopted sea transportation had better future option for their next generations. Those who insisted to settle at places that were marked as dangerous by others, did not need to war anyone, easily settled in empty places, but then the nature teached them again again that they did not selected the right place.
Those who worked hard in warm near to active volcanic places died, those who studied Earth, nature, just by leaving bad places of earth, keeping history of nature, created their own opportunity to live work and have next generation keep good past.
Gambling to settle at a land. ..
which nation had a better logic to settle at a land, which nation had the genes to create written communication between generations earlier, which nation had better genes for certain geography, sea etc. which nation is more creative, discoverer for sea transportation etc. which nation likes gambling, which is more logical etc. which nation assembled kept trustable information, knowledge history. Which religion, tradition increase survival, keeps population kept at certain lands
What does make a nation? Race is always the most important factor to create any nation.
Race is skin color, race is eye color, race is the opening of the eye iris width, race is the how large are eye, race is how skin texture is, non ceramic-skin, race is endocrine function body to breed, race is skill in mathematics-unit science, race is reasonable hair in body, race is reasonable bone sizes, race is neuronal activity etc. Though once a nation is established, specific Language will be part the Nation to defend this specific nation government, Language is not enough to discriminate a race from other. pronunciation of some letter is body muscle-tissue related, but just speaking English, or Turkish, or German language is not considered a race feature.
Attraction between the female and male created the most small nation. First a family formed, then a village, then city, then more crowded nations. Attraction to the appearance of human body is most important thing to hold people together to create nations.
When, humanity noticed that they may not like to change their genes to other nation dominant genes, they may still like these people living their own lives. There are many too dry, cold places on Earth only narrow eyed human survive better even in primitive conditions, because of climate. I never find narrow eyes attractive, never want my next generations are narrow eyed, but if such a geographical empty land is filled with a nation who are narrow eyed but hard working who produce good clothes-fabrics, shoes etc, I will want their nation stay on Earth. The world would be boring with all people are similar. Diversity in human race is not bad.
But, in practice, in history most wars are race wars.
which human race contributed to human development? which race on Earth is first to develop civilizations?
Many times only same race likes each other, but, sometimes, opposite races rather wants other race breeds., they want diversity, they are maybe different color, but they may like to see around other skin colored people. But, since they give birth to their color, how this will be in practice?
Sometimes some nations are too closed themselves, they deny to learn other nation rules, Law. They do not spend money on international relation budgets to make their legal rights explained, such too closed nations will not care any warning from other nation developed Science. An animal may even bite the person who is the only rescuer of the animal. Sometimes, one can not even manage to some closed nation to help them in their clearly bad showing future.
Sometimes, because of the borders, land border shape one nation makes all defensive wars, the other government stays war-free to spend budget not to war but to breed. The sea-shore people died most because they were the frontiers to fight against ship loaded enemy. Inside the land if there was another nation, the life was easy to them.
A nation nevertheless needs similar healthy brain levels. A nation that is against to Science, against to research to fight against natural disasters, whether overt government politics, or indirect government rules, are my enemy. The intelligent human is weak, extinction of human is easy. Some stupids, today stops your projects, never spare money to your future rescuing projects, but when you manage to finish them they steal your products.
Developing trusted organizations are very important. Internet Technologies need to develop.
In international relations, trusted organizations are very valuable.
To explain my life strategy, I will tell how once I used an unknown frustrating new product to wash my hair. I never like to try many different shampoo on my hair, whether they are indeed good, or bad. Once, I washed my hair with a new shampoo, only once; but all explanation was lie on the product. This bad product made me believe that even giving a single try may harm me, may waste my money/time.
I like truth. I do not gambling over new things. I like logic, plan, projects, law.
There may be times that I am overprotected, but I believe in this saying 'hedefe varmada en kısa yol, en iyi bildiğin yoldur'. (Do always what you know best, do not gamble, do not try too frequently  uncertain things).
I am guarded not only against bad, also against vaguely known things.
this post will continue to explain the ancestor choice effect on a nation future ....

Figure I. 
A land map with sea, shores etc. Though very similar to some current Lands, the map is not representing any current or past exact Land on Earth. It is only an imagined, computer drawned model example of Land and Sea composit from the point of defensive purposes. 
In this map two Nations are: RHXXXX and ERMXXX people.
These Nations are very close races in term of body appearance, the RHXXXX females did not prefer to mate with ERMXXX, because they permanently changed eye-color, genetic labels.
But, they were in peace, ERMXXX females called them EVMAN (House person) because they wanted them to see around, to share work. The ERMXXX  people did not followed the suggested family ethics of RHXXXX people, because the white Land area population is low, and the family ethics of RHXXXX was too difficult for them to apply in this mountain population-low area to maintain ERMXXX population to defense their land. 
