
Sunday, November 18, 2012 technology is abusive, violating from Japan should update its technology.
Japan needs to develop technologies to delete deleted videos. Any search engine by law required to delete any deleted content. In the past, it was prior to the japan big earthquake I remember a Japanese site misused my videos and I wasted my time asking their removal. (They ere at south, they are still alive) But, now I am realizing the Japanese team also needs rather to update its technology rather than wasting their time on abusive URLs.
This post is to declare that from Japan is not a serious video search engine one should try. It does not have developed technology to update its index. It abused my accounts, my copyrighted content. The strategy to stay Lawful for should be either to develop better technologies suh as video search engine so that any deleted video is catched and removed, or there could be a crowded team to update index manually, but Japan has real life problems, I advise them closing if their technology fails to update their index.
My time is valuable, that wastes my time on copyright infringement notification is a shame on internet history.
In future, it will be clear how many video search engines abused copyrighted deleted videos,  rather than helping to develop video creation, they rather made me not to put my videos on many video sites.  after wasting my valuable time copyright infringement notifications, I decided to left the video world to those who does nothing but fcks humn minds.
My videos as I arranged never playable on any longer. Many abusive video search engines believes that people are stupid, even if they are abused on a video they will continue to keep their content on internet. In long term You will be a looser by wasting my time on complaints.
This post is to declare that video search engine from Japan is not a serious video search engine one should try.
One exmple is one of my video from a site which is closed one year ago does not have any video, it does not exist, but holds empty linked video boxes and links them to for nothing but to dirty internet. I mean why my time will be wasted to explain that the videos are deleted not playable. on it on removed from its index, but not. hat a primitive site.