
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

a long as fckng thief illegal exist, no law can be established on internet

WHAT IS YASNI.COM company on INTERNET?: aS long as fckng thief illegal exist, no law can be established on internet. NoW, they are forging my copyrighted page information, and they are trying to abuse my e-mail. You workers of germany, you are nothing pity that only you can exist by stealing, by illegal behavior on earth, fck company for violating my legal rights. They never reply to my complaints, or if they notice they even make it worse. You pity, you stupid you are that stupid that animal shit filled brain, only you can do is to steal good things that other people manage to create. I pity on anyone who is deceited by illegal page that is nothing but fabricated trying to vandalize other Internet sites. Anyone who fails to understand how violates internet law, also stupid, also pitied by me for having that brainless body.
My pages are mostly United States merica pages, Germany country is nothing to do my life time copyrighted work, Germany Law is not developed to apply any intenet law, but with their primitive technology they shamelessly vandalie other country copyrighted work. is not at a level to apply United Sttes of America level intenet Law, but forgetting any law requirement vandalizes other country copyrighted pages. Fck the truth that the pirates of is vandalies any internet page and intead of banning thief, indexes infringer
In USA there is a copyright law with Title 17, United States Code,
Section 512(c)(2). But, illegal does not have any respect for this law, because their country is not developed in law as muh as USA. EACH COUNTRY has their level of Law, this the world truth. But, then what the fck vandalizes USA law regulated pages. Because is a pirate of internet. The support team of knows about the copyright laW as much as my shit in toilet.
Meanwhile, even in USA sometimes some updates delays, or some problems occur, but Any law recognizing USA company immediately notices the wrong pages, copyright violating pages, and removes them according to the USA law. The punisment i real to them if they do not remove faulty pages. But primitive brains knos law not more than shit in the toilet. If you investigate their Law, they even do not list such an law in their government system. Then stay in you cage, do not attack well developed internet sites, do not destroy the trust internet law. In europe, not all companies are that much law ignorant, it is the animal brains of company. But, is also shares the crime of for not banning illegal

Companies which has physical presence requirement in a place are unlucky, because they pay money to transfer law, but the thief steals my pages, many pages and puts ads to earn money from my valuable work. If a german company wants to sell USA created machines, such company pays money to cover taxes, the work which germany stealing is USA tax paid work. yAsNİ.COM DOES NOT PAY ANY money to government taxes and steals USA work. A USA company can not steal another USA company work, because there is strict law, but the is luckier from the thieves of USA. aNY THİEF usa COMPANY even pays more taxes, but more easily blamed. So if the thief is from the USA, THE PUNİSHMENT İS HEAVY, BUT İF THE THİEF İS FROM YASNİ.COM THERE is
My team and I all paid both government taxes and also copyright keeping publication fees to maintain valuable educational internet sites. For only one single page costs at least thousand dolars. My team and I worked hard, our yearly salaries was cut to pay the educationalsite fees. because we love our scientific field. And the internet sites publishing our valuable work are very legal places, they do not abuse our copyrighted work by abusive advertisements, they are committted to tech science, not destroy valuable reader, visitor comfort with stupid ads. thus they are not earning extra money over the fees that I, my team paid. The USA law is strict against internet site if they break any rule.
But, Fckng since its government is a jungle of law, contrary to any infringer of USA, İS NOT PUNİSHED AT ALL.
gOOGLE.COM ROLE İS HERE a pimp, it agrees to punish the sites if they are from USA, BUT TOLERATES THE THİEVES İF THEY ARE FROM GERMANY.
tHE FUCKİNG TRUTH stupid workers fails to unDerstand with their who knows what filled brain is that the work is not of germany, YASNİ.COM germany is not stealing SİMPLY the work of some other germany companies, but yasnicomfgermany is stealing the work from USA. legal team is nothing only likes the glitches of to fabricate incorrect labels and appear as if legal team is doing something.
I need to give them a law lesson, though my field is life sciences.
If a german person moves to USA, THE LİFE İS NOT EASY ON THİS PERSON, THE WAGES İS LOW, many opprtunity is not available if just moved to USA, but if stayed in germany could steal as and pay no taxes.
I like Law maintained internationally, I am not against that if people moves to another country will not be able to eligible to win some grants even if super.  But, I am against if is tolerated when breaks law of USA.
Anyone reading this post, will see how brilliant is my brain in absolute Law. Law is also a little bit agatha christie stories, blinds will not even see what is crime.
That USA is a strong big country should not make it more vulnerable against crime from weak countries of the world. In this country there is a saying 'Vur abalıya'(Meaning that if someone has much valuable things, stupids will think that it was easy to create such valuables, and steals them). How hardworking is super Americans I know; ask me how hard I worked in USA to improve a health problem of humanity.
You thieves if you think I am going to leave the world to you to damn it, you are wrong, you fckng thieves,  you only deceit the stupids and illegals of the world.

I even can not afford to buy a good computer, some buttons of this laptop is not well working. I can not afford to buy many things I want. Because there are too much thieves in world, such thieves breaks law, breaks any human rule. They are after animal life. They do not have good plans for humanity, because they know that their shit filled brain will not be happy in a world improved, where absolute law is in practise.
International law is strict if someone moves to another country, the life is not easy if a german company move to USA, even to put money will need to pay tax, but if a company stays in germany and steals my USA tax-paid work, the life is easy to thieves.
The image worker is that helper of thief minded people, even the shit I drop in toilet is stolen by image worker and shown as if it was someone else's.
The thieve of the orld are that thief toy they killpeople to steal their valubles, tomarrow their again-thif-minded-generations then tries to ern points against others uing the died people they killed. They are tht much thief, that much lier. Today world ell-developed countries uses Money, use economic Law, taxes, in old days it wa a pity that economiclaw wa not developed, and many people were killed for not paying taxes. Those who killed them were the ones ho never like law, to teach economic lw, but rather abuse la to steal. Today they are creating so-calle internet pages for the people they killed. Ho understand? The biologic characteristics of the killed people and the killers were different. All internet pages appearance fits to the killers.
To stop hate, governments already found a ay and it is to pay taxes. These stupid internet pages never mentions that in old days the tax la as not good and present countries mnaged to have a good taxing system.
Tax la system isvery valuable to maintain peace in any country, otherwise people will kill each other to nothing but to steal by killing.
The thieves yesterday killed the rich people because they believed they did not paid required taxes, today without any shame now they are begging points abusing the people they themselves killed.
There are too many nature events killing people, though human population is high, still any moment we may looose some by earhquake or etc. The thieves are always thieves and break even any well developed economic tax system, thus we also need a power as an insurance against thieves. law, WİTHOUT  well figting team to punish  crime many times unfortunately not respected, and sometimes the fighting forces themselves will abuse their power. Then comes a powerfull government a powerful international .. a strong will to forward humanity.
I, my ancestors are a good family who respects law, economic tax law, and keep peace forces to punish if inevitably needed. But, where we paid too much taxes, those who escaped stayed well for a while but the thieves destroyed their content. Some stupid minds talks on internet who knows what for.
There happened many wars between countries and will happen. But, two country loosing their money on heavy war will loose the opportunity to develop better educational system, better scientific developments and stay behind other countries together even if wins a war.
I mean who is not ırkcı. Do not we eat animals, they are not that much different from some stupid brains. Yes, anyone on world is ırkçı. Irk is the skin color, ırk is the perceiving Law, ırk is the perceiving mathematics knowledge, loving truth etc. Yes, I like some characteristics on people, and hate some.
If an intelligent dies I worry more and unfortunately not the thieves but the intelligent people dies.