Sunday, August 19, 2012

top exercise for buttocks used as a dancing figure

Each day everywhere is which woman has healthily shaped buttocks, but none tries to associate body shape to exercise.
Below video is hip-hop dancing with correct 'squad exercise' to form buttocks as those each day on first pages of newspapers.

mANY WOMAN blames any distorted body shape on genes, that they have bad genes regarding buttock.
No, see,
how they are exercising buttocks.
It is their devoted time to hip/buttocks exercise that give them that body shape.
At present century, no plastic surgery will be comparable good buttock exercise to give good results.
I recall these figures as African dance, the way they draw a circle with hips while the legs are widest  apart is important to work out hip muscles. As the name of the dance(Hip-Hop) implies, the way that the hip is hopped towards front while the legs are widest apart is to work out lower hip muscles
ıN THE VİDEO ONE OF THE woman is better then others in parting legs then circle her hip towards front.

 With hip-hop-squad dancing targeted hip muscles group area is highlighted with pink in figure c.
Figure 1.
Figure a shows the fatty lower hip area, the described hip dancing burns fat and shapes the hip as shown on figure b.
Such area problems occur if the person sits too much on hard chairs long hours blocking hip circulation during computer work, travel etc.
Woman are prone to have such problematic fatty areas, because genetically woman differs in hormones from man starting from early ages. Furthermore, some man special body movements, even the peeing movement is extra different work in man.
Man may benefit from such exercises to narrow, healthily better shape their hips even if they do not have the fatty problematic areas as depicted in the figure.
Though, bone structure, lenght is controlled with genes, sitting hours, trauma may result in too wide hips.  
Plastic surgery, liposuction,  never gives good results as exercise gives.

Figure 2. During hip exercise (while the legs are apart), when hips are moved towards sides, towards front, as if a circle, the upper trunk is slightly tilted towards back.

Belly dancing originally include many hip-hop figures, however, in belly dancing by time rather than muscle work out, dancers started to give a nice looking poses.
To watch belly dancing is more art watching, whereas hip-hop is rather working out some hip muscles.
Unfortunately, many sport school education program leaves out many healthy hip exercise, because they find them unaesthetic to watch. Sport school should define their goals well that they are using bodies not to communicate art, but to work out muscles to give healthy bodies.
Many so called body trainer may learn some body exercises, but almost all fail to instruct good hip exercise with correct details.
The hip-hop dancer woman in the video who is shown here does the correct figures.

In the video the performers are fast, a beginner should do the correct hip movement slowly but correctly at the beginning.
For a beginner, having tables for hand support will help to perform the hip exercise better.
as shown below.

Figure 3.

Figure 4. This figure is a moment of Madona on stage. This correct position shows how one needs to hold her/his legs prior to moving her hips. The thighs are wide apart to the most possible extend, the trunk/spine/sacrum is not tilted towards front but to the backwards.
It is not only that Madonna had some good genes to perform some figures, but also, she exercised regularly her thighs/hips starting from her very early ages. She had her shaped hips, thighs even after 50 years old, pregnancies; because she does hip/thigh exercises regularly, many woman with same genes are lazy or out of time to do hip/thigh exercises and they have too much fat on their hips.
Madona on stage is using dancing rather as a visual art language, on her high heels her movements are not always fat burning exercise. Ballet dancers prioritize to tell a story using their bodies on stage, the fat burning exercise my have common with balley; however, fat burning always prioritize burning fat.
Figure 5. A ballet barre figure for lower hips.
Many people will not have the flexibility to complete ballet complete exercising. Even if not to do entire ballet figures, this figure is specially for lower hips and is not difficult compared to other ballet figures. One should buy an adjustable ballet barre if possible regardless of planning doing complete ballet exercises. Ballet Tip-toe walking is not required.
Unfortunately, in sport schools which educate body exercise trainers, most ballet figures are never taught, the program they are undered is very primitive rather to educate a horse to carry things. Sure, they should be art-ballet schools to perform stage shows, but an ordinary person exercise should be primary concern in most sport-school programs. 

Figure 6. Back Kicking move including lower hip, upper thigh muscles to burn lower hip fat as described in Figure 1.
I remember this kicking from Bruce Lee movie fragments. No need to do it as fast as Bruce Lee.
Unfortunately, many very useful muscle contraction are classified as Fighting Sport and not taught to body trainers in schools. This kick also can be tried by beginners using a wall as a support .
The taek-vondo kicking moves (single person Taek Vondo exercises, no partners to fight) are great to train spine entire muscles, entire body, spine neuronal firing activity.
Taek Vondo in this century is far from its traditional fighting use, that most figures which are performed regardless of another person, still considered under fighting-sports wastes this sport.
Taek Vondo sport muscle contractions are performed at easier if the  speediest move achieved.
Taek Vondo single person moves are great to shape body,  body spine, standstill tone.
Trampoline, holding a rope from the ceiling as a support to balance body during TaekVondo jumps/kicks can help to a beginner to perform muscle contractions. The extreme speed in Taek Vondo muscle contractions will not be reached by all performer; even at a low speed the move will workout lower-hip muscles.The traditional yells of Taek Vondo (Yea etc.) might associate Taek Vondo kicking body fat burning activity.
(Physiologically, in muscle contractions of Taek Vondo sport moves, function of body coordinate neurotransmitter phospholipid vesicles, neuronal electrical polarity firing, and ion channel activation is essential.
Sometimes doping steroids will stimulate muscles intracellularly bypassing membrane-electrical and neurotransmitter step; such muscles will be again fat-free nice looking, but voluntary neuronal controlled, neurotransmitter connected speediest muscle moves are worsened in such muscles. Some unnatural steroid doping desensitize neurotransmitter control of intracellular, Calcium activated  special Calcium Channel replenish basal  regulation. )
(Some steroids increases the mass of some intracellular enzymes too much mostly by inhibiting lysosomal enzyme degradation, activation of such amount of enzymes screws the healthy basal intracellular metabolic pacing balance between NADH, Fatty-Acyl-CoA, Cytoplamic Calcium and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum specially overt when maximal stimulation of cell reached by neuronal stimulation. )  
As I already recommended in my other posts, walking is good to all muscles; however, if fat area problem stays on the lower hip area, then special hip exercise will burn problematic hip fat area faster. walking prepares any body to do special exercises.
In present century, all computer sitting work, too long education years in schools by sitting are all small trauma on hip tissue, slow blood flow in hip prevents fat cells from differentiate into muscle cells specially in woman, in man steroid hormones rather signal fat cell differentiation into muscle.
Too much sitting/slow blood circulation in hips area harms urogenital system in both gender. (Bladder, spermatogenesis, uterus, ovaries etc.).  
Figure 7. Stair-Climbing.
Stair Climbing is also good healthy exercise for hips, thighs. Some step machines may work out hips, however, they might injure knees. Climbing stairs is more healthy than many current Step machines.
Even climbing on a 99 cent plastic storage box-platform will help to work out hips healthily.

Figure 8. As an exercise equipment, use a high platform or a box to raise your legs above floor.
While supporting yourself by your two hands on the side walls to help to maintain your balance,
draw imaginary circles with your leg (Do not flex your circle drawing leg from knee, keep this moving leg straight as the Figures (A and C) shows). Bending/flexing the rotating leg's knee will prevent to exercise targeted lower hip, upper thigh muscle parts (such as thigh posterior adductor muscles, adductor gracilis, adductor magnus, adductor longus, adductor pectineus, semitendinosus muscles),
the leg standing on the platform/box is flexed to allow the rotating leg (other leg) to draw big circle. This move of leg from hip mostly will exercise Femoris Muscles such as Leg Anterior Quadratus Femoris, Posterior Thigh Semitendinosus muscle, upper parts of Femoral Adductor Muscles, 
Biceps Femoris, some Buttock Muscles such as Gluteus Maximus.
Such exercise of muscles decreases the fat tissue area lipid amount described in Figure 1. The exercise changes lipid metabolism at lower hip area, so that the problematic area some cells instead of growing into Fat Cells, grow/differentiate into Muscle cell depending on exercise. Exercise decreases lipid in muscle cells, directs lipid from adipocytes to muscle cells.
The most important instruction in this exercise is that the leg should be raised to draw the imaginary circle as required, to better move problematic area related muscles, without the platform-box, the hips will not move  healthily, rather the hip bone will do moves unnecessarily, it is muscle cells that burns fat, not bone.  
If you are  a computer sitting working person rather consider yourself a beginner in any exercise, a beginner needs to have a better standing balance, should always use her/his hands for a support from a wall, from a chair, table, platform if needed always. A beginner is not a stage ballet performer, an Olympic of perfection.A beginner should always have the principle that he/she is doing the exercise for the special muscle training, for specific area excess fat problem.  A beginner should work out specific problematic excess fat areas as if she/he is rehabilitating this part of body.
If we put a barrier in front of a car, the car will stop. Similarly, sometimes it is the other part of the body preventing some parts from move. Designing exercises is engineering-like brainstorming. In this detailed exercise (Figure 8 ) the duty of the platform is to give the body a standing position, so that one leg will not be a barrier to prevent other leg movement (maximal posterior inner thigh adductor muscle contraction exercise designing). Designing exercises should consider such details perfectly.
Meanwhile, I always recommend free hands while walking to work out Lungs, entire body cardiovascular system; Someone with bended trunk, Lungs holding shopping bag will not benefit from walking healthily.
That to burn fat cell lipid, one needs to exercise neighbor muscle groups, rather than the fat cell itself, is proven by elegant fat Calcium exercise unresponsiveness study group in adipocytes.
Figure 9. Straddle split stretching. This exercise is the very hardest move in this post, most people even after training of years never ever will be able to open legs that wide apart (180° angle), only talented sport performers in some fields, not-swimming, such as in gymnastics, in ballet can do this wide opening of legs after training starting from early ages. This exercise is best to burn lower hip area fat easily. This figure is an example of very difficult hip exercises, this exercise also shapes the legs healthily.  I am not going to write exercises to blurry human breeding activity, body movements between partners or tube-babies in this post of this blog; however, Love-Making sex with its any bad or any good effects, also goes a long way in burning of calories. 30 minutes of sexual intercourse could actually burn close to 200 calories. Literally, 7000 calories annually if one made love three times a week. This calorie is almost equivalent to 15 kg over 20 years, bed exercises will shape body waist differently as I explained.

Figure 10. Bending the trunk towards floor will stretch body posterior lower hip area.
Touching cross foot will stretch lower hip sides. The trunk is flexed towards floor, but the knees are straight. This exercise maybe not the best to burn hip fat, however this exercise is my favorite exercise for healthy knees. This stretching exercise is good to have healthy knee ligaments, healthy posterior hip ligaments.
Not only the sport schools, unfortunately all those people who like reading, studying, working sitting also ignore such ugly/funny appearing hip exercises. They are afraid to appear doing such exercises in sport saloons in front of everyone. They feel like rather than they are working out their vital hip muscles, ligaments, they feel that they are doing peeing movement in front of all. They should not feel in this way, this blog is to explain that truth of healthy hips.
We should not forget that human are creatures who needs some organs. Some people hates their bodies, they wish that they need no food, no drink, no toilet.
Healthy heads are in healthy bodies, in healthy hips.
Right now, I am going to leave the computer, find a big mirror in house to see correctness of the movements, and work out my muscles. Some months ago, I had an accident and my sacrum bone had been hurt (My damaged house floor under the carpet caused the accident, I am going to have a renovation in my house this month). It was not a big accident, no broken bone etc. but I need to do special sacrum bone injury rehabilitation exercises. Hip-Hop exercises are also good to rehabilitate sacrum bone injuries. Sacrum bone injuries are seen also after carrying heavy luggage, too much weightlifting, falling on sacrum bone during skiing, ice skating.
Rib area is not the subject of this post, almost 20 years ago I injured my rib, I also do some special exercises for my rib.
As I complained in my other posts,
between all these work, unfortunately my valuable time has been wasted on fighting against fckng Identity Thieves (These Identity thieves have V-Özdoğan and V-Tunç names).
Question: Is the dance figure called 'Twerk Dance of Hips' enough to explain the movement of hip to burn lower hip fat? 
Figure. TWERK a-b
Answer: Not all 'Twerk Dance of Hips' will work out the described problematic lower hip area. The figure (TWERK a-b) might work out, beneficial on some buttock muscles, but the spine fails to move towards forward, rather stays towards backward. Thus, the exercise I described for lower hips can not be simply called Twerk dance figure. However, most African Twerk dancers uses the movement I described.
In the correct exact lower hip movement, the hip is supposed to draw an imaginary circle while the legs are widest apart and the thighs are almost parallel to the floor as shown in Figure 4.
The person is supposed to feel that the problematic area located muscles are contracting. The problematic fat tissue will not give any changed feeling. But, contracting neighbor muscles by time will burn all problematic fat.  
To balance body, a beginner will need to be supported by table etc. on sides to hold (Tables are on sides as shown in Figure 3).

Question: Is yoga good to hips?
Answer: First of all, rather then categorizing as Yoga, dance, sport, I prioritize body movements to describe special muscle movements, describe increases in some body part blood flow by movement of muscles.
Yoga originally prioritize correct neuron signal(inhibitory or stimulatory ) control towards targeted body parts including muscles.
Yoga tries to teach that not only to move muscle but the way we control, move/stop the muscle is important, this instruction agree with my recommended muscle training.
As Yoga agrees with me, I am against fast but incorrect muscle training.
I do not do exercises-fast or slow-if believe that they are very good on some body parts but may be bad on other parts.
When I do a historical search starting from early centuries on any traditional body exercises, I also include Yoga categorized resources. However, in this century I find those too artificial if they forget present century knowledge and still talks historical primitive insufficient language to describe exercises. When yoga first had been applied in historical ages, the Medical Research was not at a  point to describe neurons, neurotransmitter muscle stimulation to describe movements better as I am doing perfectly.   

Question: Is Yoga share the same principle with Taek Vondo
Answer: Both Yoga and Taek Vondo requires discipline of well neuronal controlled muscle (both stimulatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters coordination). However, firing neuronal electrical charge polarity change activity with consequent other intracellular ion channel activity more required in Taek Vondo. In Tek-win-do The muscle cytoplasmic free Calcium peaks, from very relaxed almost zero low basal cytoplasmic free Calcium, to most possible maximal contraction fastest, the Calcium change is maximal; but Yoga ignores that much speed, in Yoga fast neuronal electrical charge activity, extreme membrane polarity change, or very very very low basal cytoplamic free Calcium level is recommended, but afterall, not required much.   

Question: Is it correct to look at hips and decide that genes are better than another person
Answer: If  a part of body is  healthy, this proves that the genes are good; however, if a part of body looks problematic, this does not always mean unhealthy genes.
It is possible that a trauma, an accident causing the problem. Or early insufficient neuron nutrition, life style caused the problem. Or a failure of in another part of the body helps to give better shaped hips.
For example, if someone has weak arms, will not be able to carry heavy luggage, will not harm her/his spine, sacrum (sacrum bone is very important to shape hips). An atrophy in shoulders might help healthy hips in practice, or too wide hips might force body to do some movements and help to keep thighs lean not genetically, but such phenotype is secondary to wide-sized hips.
If we put the most beautiful hips through the present century most respected educational study years, could hardly keep the same leg/hip shape.  
Even the school chair sizes, material is trauma on hips/thighs.
It is not bad at all though, if some tries to prove humanity that such possible hip shape healthy occur whatever the expense.
Question: Which exercises are preferred to recommend by you, the ones when the person lying in a bed, over a floor; or, the ones standing?
Answer: First of all exercises, if contraction of targeted muscle is accomplished whether in standing or in lying position to burn calories, both are beneficial to burn targeted excess fat. Muscle will contract as desired in standing or on floor/bed position.
However, if the person has not only lower hip area problem but also problematic abdominal excess fat, obese waist area; then the person my prefer exercises done standing (see above the example exercise figures done all standing position). Meanwhile, swimming exercise is an healthy exercise and exception that it is not maybe a standing position, but still will not cause slowing, halting in abdominal blood vessel circulation to deposit more lipid in abdominal vessels.  
There are many factors to recommend exercises. If someone walks 40 kilometres a day, and also wants to do some thigh exercises, abdominal bridge waist muscle exercises, to have a rest for the feets, one may prefer lying on a floor position to move legs. While resting the feets after long walk, one can do some exercise in bed/floor healthily.  
Question: How the human body should be evaluated to recommend perfect exercise for each individual?
Answer: If the person is overweight then the person should do exercises to burn fat in entire body such as walking, running. If after reaching to the ideal weight some parts of body has still excess fat, such as around lower hip, upper thigh area, then the exercises targeting the problematic fat area should be done. Walking is the exercise to recommend any healthy person as to prepare body to perform specific muscle exercise. Swimming, running also prepare body towards performing specific muscle exercises, because they improve whole body cardiovascular health required for any muscle metabolism of body.
Question: Do you believe that some genes will make person more prone to have waist or buttock fatty?
Answer: Some genes will determine the lenght of the bones, such as wide hip, narrow hip, long femur etc. Genetically arranged protein sequences will change flexibility of ligaments. Such genetic  differences will change the person ability to perform some exercises, or to like some moves unknowingly. However, human are not animals, if wants any standard healthy human will perform muscle contractions to burn targeted fat. Even rats in lab will manage to train muscles.
Present century is not good to keep body healthy, sitting on computer, table-sitting work will make waist, hips fatter impairing local healthy blood vessel circulation. Person should do exercises to compensate unhealthy sitting hours.  
Question: Is massage could give any benefit to anyone? Please also use Yes, or No.
Answer: Yes, massaging will be beneficial to some rather old people under certain conditions.
In young healthy overweight people specially under 25, the fat tissue is not loose as in older people.
massage will rather give bruises to them.
But, in old people, massaging some local fatty area without hurting the muscles will help stretching fat cells to mobilize intracellular lipid. Mobilized lipids will go into blood vessels to be used by other organs. If the old person has regular exercise activity such as 30 minutes walk a day, such mobilized lipid mostly will be used by muscles of body healthily; but in a whole day lying person, this mobilized lipid of for example buttocks could go to the vessels around important organs too much such as Heart.
As my lifetime motto says, 'do not be a parrot in matching, logic is the directing tool'.
Massaging face will give young looks in old people, because the adipocyte metabolism is too slow in old people to break and catabolise intracellular unnecessary lipid to replenish it with nascent better quality lipid. Massaging will stretch the adipocytes breaking connections of intracellulary stored too old lipids, freeing old lipids to get rid of them.   
Question: Sometimes some exercises indeed work to remove problematic local fat; but, the looks of leaner legs may change not to best. How is this problem concerned?
Answer: Indeed if one always works out some muscle leaving untrained other muscles, then the body, or legs shape will differ. For example, the thigh Vastus Lateralis muscle is too big in well trained weight lifters, because not only hand but Thigh muscles are employed to lift weight.
The recommended step-platform exercises, such as in Figure 8, is designed to train legs as a most talented ballet (with perfect tip-toeing) do, ballet dancers doing such exercises have healthy legs.
Sure, we do not see a ballet using a platform under her leg,
but 'standing on a tip-toed leg, drawing a circle with the other leg' is as if putting a platform under one leg then moving other leg more freely.

