Friday, August 31, 2012

How a Chameleon’s Skin Changes Color; the role of Sulphur element catabolism in human skin color

This is a big, very long years of future project of physics, chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology etc.

In ancient English, the Chameleon is called 'Book-a-lemon '. In ancient humanity days it was common to describe acidity using Lemon. They even did not have some cheap pH measuring paper to describe acidity/alkality scale. Pink acid, Green is alkaline etc.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=6e7f2a33ef32ddff&biw=1280&bih=667

How a Chameleon’s Skin Changes Color; the role of Sulphur element catabolism in human skin color

Which animals survive with high skin temperatures? Enzymes related?
Which animal model could best neuron ionic electrical action potential?


sulfur oxidizing DNA sequences found as human enzymes; or free lives such as in bacteria; their optimum pH, optimum enzyme activity temperature ranges. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum pH ranges in living human skin, in all cells that has this organelle.
In dead skin cells, Time lenght to die/clean for skin cells and to clean nerve cells.

Mitochondrial metabolic rate in Chameleon skin cells.
Ether group containing, for example, Epoxy Fatty Acid to Sulphur related chemical reactions, Sulphur rich Phospholipid catabolism, Fatty Acid Oxidation of Sulphur containing Fatty Acids. Sulphur and Oxygen metabolism in Chameleon skin cells.
How acetate disrupts this pigment (lazurite) structure?
How intracellular Fatty Acid Synthesis maintains Acetate precursor level healthily?
How even the dilute HCl, HNO3, and H2SO4 rapidly destroy the blue color, producing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the process.
How Lazurite is distributed in cell (mostly in Sarcoplasmic Reticulum) and has a role to sequestrate a wide variety of cations (such as K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) ?,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=7a5e17bb427b87f3&biw=1280&bih=651

Question: After the model based on all organisms survival metabolic paths you are suggesting, would it be right to imply that some human have some intracellular enzymes similar to thermophilic bacterias  even working, surviving at 95 degrees (too high temperatures as Hell ) and such enzymes which even provide required cellular substances without highest Oxygen flow might be employed if not in skin cells but ie., in neuronal axons etc.?

Answer: Yes, I do.
At present world there are not such Sunlight, any present Sunlight will nevertheless harm entire body prior to increasing skin cell temperature 95 degrees, but could be some planets in space that Sunlight could be with different wavelenght, and only could penetrate to the skin cells to increase only skin cell temperature.
There can be many perfect human gene models all having many different genes.
That 'human can not walk for months, but animals do', should not make human creature genes crippled, it allows higher brain parts to have time to grow.
Human can not have all genes, because intracellular Adenosine Triphosphate is limited to be used.
The ideal human body gene models of a rich country is not the same with the ideal body of a poor country.
Creatures all differ  what they want in a life, a beautiful cat, a faitfull dog, a strong elephant, E. Coli bacteria that could live in a human intestines with no harm, a rich lazy human, a rich person with perfect brain health, a short living slave body utmost beautiful when died, a long living slave body ugly when died.
When it comes to living, even a beautiful photoshopped nice looking bacteria manages it, but human is supposed to do more than just living, but a brain activity.
If I were to be a god-like-engineer to create a model human combining best selected genes, I would also need the condition of the planet in which the creatures are supposed to live.
Being the top 10 scientist of the world, I can say that some genes are useless at least for billion years, my main motto to say good about a gene is that how long it allow person to live, a gene that causes death under 50 is bad, genes that gives somehow 50 years healthy body look, but stupid brains with no perception of world not more than animal are bad. Brain perfection is the most wanted in hierarchy, than comes seeing/eye, etc. Hand precise neuronal muscle ability is most helpful in Earth.
Reproduction of human is needed, no robot can do that for human.
Although I am very strict in brain neuronal genes, when comes to body genes I am very flexible, many gene can be leaved out but still would have a good body serving under the brain.

Question: If I were a god-engineer to create human, I would make human who synthesize all vitamins itself, and would not need to eat Riboflavin vitamin each day for health? Plant synthesise it themselves. I would create a human skin that could resist extreme sunlight harming effect, I would make a human who has a liver releasing more glucose which prioritize body temperature when too cold. I would create pure muscle bodies. I would create human with warm holding skin. I would create female who has less fat ratio as male do.
Answer: When it is a car-engineering, it is easy to arrange all parts towards the aim.

The aim is whatever it is, it is first of all 'going'. If not going between two destination, the car design is failed.
When it comes to human-engineering, again we need to think the failures of the product. At this point since the qualifications of human creature comes from essentially brain gene differences, all my human gene engineering would prioritize to mimic most intelligent brain genes.
It is not that human has good muscle genes will make it more human,
We can increase either Liver or basal muscle ATP usage metabolism via genes to increase cold resistance, but liver needs to replenish important lipids for body, it has many other important duties. It is foolish to make a human racing with a heater. We may also increase animal brown-fat in human, but then the brain instead of human-intellectual activity will work as a heater arranger foolishly.
Very intelligence related gene will not create important brain parts,
no space will be left for important brain neurons.
If create too big head then the body can not carry it.
If Brain cells would work stupidly to synthesise some valuable compounds such as Riboflavin vitamin, the ATP source would not be enough for other important brain cell function. Human needs a World environment to get ready nutrients, such as vitamins.
Too much heat is not tolerated well with brain electrical activity, thus a perfect human brain model of mine always needs to buy a heater, a house to live in.
Once the requirements of brain established, then comes other parts of body.
Something should cover soft brain tissue, so head bones important both to protect and appropriately size the soft brain tissue, something should carry head, a trunk required.
Do we need hands? If the creature needs to eat, then hands required.
Do we need legs? Well, look at trees, they still alive, but walking human is good.
Reproduction, breeding is required for humanity, making females with lower fat ratio with male steroid hormones will make their reproduction activity failed.
All gene arrangements should not only increase body life-span, but should keep brain healthy for the longest time.
But, think that there is a perfect brained human on earth, all animals around, no other human, no human civilization to learn.
Would such a Robinson Crusoe would be happy I am not sure.
Then comes Government policies. If this Robinson Crusoe is unhappy with it perfect brain, perfect house, wealth in his/her lonely world, maybe even problems of other bad inferior, animal-close gened human will make his/her world happier.
Here, in this human models, to call a creature human, the only thing required is to breed for generations. When mated if no pregnancy occur the other creature is not called human. Any gene engineering will engineer the mating of oocyte with sperm cell, so that the human characterised brain stays together with the human characterised body. Even if we start with a perfect human male and human female, at the end, after generations, the model brain should stay very same. The combination of genes should be preserved in most far future offsprings.
Although I am not into to calling governments categories such as Capitalist, Communist only by written descriptions, but practice; my perfect gene brain would might support diversities, most current governments even though not call themselves different, rather abuse brain, neuron power against other work of human.
The most easily stolen power is brain-work, one can not deceit saying that
'Here, my body' showing other body , but easily steal identities, as explained in my other posts identity thieves(V-Özdoğan, V-Tunç) abusing marriage law stolen my name/my superior life-time educational and genetically higher-intelligence related products. These stupid identity thieves are from stupid inferior genes of family, stealing my identity they deceited many governments easily.
In my superior model brain model if inferior human genes allowed to live (This is what happens at present in the world), to say all human are equally brained is the worst stupid thing.
I have superior brain not only via education, by also via my genes from very early historic human centuries, it is my ancestors behaved more human starting from the early historic times to teach others required, it ismy ancestors who created writing/reading, my previous ancestors contributed humanity civilisation more, I contributed humanity civilisation more, my body rather than working as a heater, able to solve problems easily using available knowledges to further develop them. I am not equal to parrot brains or stupid identity thieves who are able to nothing but to steal my name related credits.
It is my ancestor related gene who created the science, whereas these animal brained people ancestor killed my gened ancestors, then against them my ancestors worked hard developed science, civilization products; then these thieves benefited from my gened ancestor works to live easy in this world.
There should be a punishment to punish these gened identity thieves.
These thieves one day ago will steal my product, next day using it, based on it, will try abuse government against me. They will use my work as a gun against to me, Fck such any type of such identity thieves. such brainless people will do anything when reached to government sources, they will destroy meaning of anything, if you prove them your exam success, they will fabricate even at government level stupid 'peeing race' exams to steal valuable work salaries, to steal work positions.
The value of most valuable exams will be ignored by them,
even manipulated to nonexistence-just keep their name but change the content. Their usage of language never is to help the truth but to manipulate any word to destroy a valuable rule, exam, identity, requirement. Their aim is never to improve technologies, but to abuse any glitch of technologies to steal identities deceiting other stupids of the world.
If they feel they are a failure in intelligence required for the exam; then they will keep the exam name but change exam question ie.moving a leg, peeing. Or they will steal names, play with identities.
Since they all have such lies, you can not complain to any of them, they are connected to the same identity thief gang. They will not allow you to work to improve human civilisation, but ones you work hard with your supporting team, they immediately steal your work via stealing your identity.
Some of them are that crazy, even themselves believe in the lies they created.
When time passes, as occur a combat between multiple hackers of an internet site,  they fight with each other, but no truth is really written, they lied in anything. Truth always help the goal, but they are all thieves and nothing to steal left after centuries. There can not be any absolute law to protect a thief more than the other thief.
I like this multiple haker vandalized internet site example. Even the thieves need something to go on stealing. Truth allows improvement of humanity, but thieves will take humanity a chaos.
At the beginning, two thief will agree to steal something but then thieves will not have any base to support any right. Then some another thief stealing from them, no productivity left, nothing left to steal.
There are many thieves who tries to steal my identity, at least 6; now I developed a plan so that one thief is against other. There are times that they can not deceit governments stealing my credits, because there is another new thief inside the government who is trying to steal my credit in government.

 Question: Does a woman has all rights to have abortion after a rape?
Answer: Yes, a woman holds any right regarding the copyrights of her gene sequence. If a pregnancy occur against the will of the woman who has the oocyte to breed a male sperm, the woman holds any right to have abortion. This is correct from the many point of views, also for protecting the genes of oneself, ancestors inheritance gene from a thief.

The difference between human is so much that sometimes some people genes in terms of brain genes is more close to animals.

To have a gene is a brainstorming activity of many generations. The stupid thieves never able to do such brainstorming, such thieves never has any right to break a good gene sequence, such a thing is a harm against protected human genome. A thief sperm product does not have any right to vandalize a preserved unique copyrighted genome part, oocyte, of a woman.
