Monday, January 23, 2012


Why we use peace against war?
What is the harm of war on people versus benefits of peace.
Humanity as ofthiscentury is not full-developedtoits all possible levels.
War wastes lifes, wounds people who could improve the future of humanities.
We human are out oftime to reach excellence.
Dogs, animals become dog, animal because they did wars always they did not allow each other to improve humanity, at the end the dogs mwho had comparatively superior brains either wounded or died by wars.
War is not only to take a gun and kill, wound people, there are silent wars to wound people. Such wars can not be many times understood, but they also harms people as gun-soldier-wars.
For example, if a valuable technology worker each day abusing technology glitches harm some people on world, thismis also a war to waste people valuable times, as a war would do.
Thus, there is always war even if the harming person is not someone with a typical soldier with a standard gun.
Maybe protection from harmfull people is by typical soldiers, by today the people who harms others never have soldier duty or uniform as usually thought.
Security is not important only against typical  gunned-soldiers, but towards abusive people who abuses usefull technologies against peacifull people.
ıS İT POSSİBLE TO RESPECT very much but declare some workers as illegal abusive people. Yes, googlecom software technology, whoever uses it, is itself a giant development created by intelligent engineers whose names are even not known. However, a thief may misuse anything, googlecom can be misused by some abusive illegal people to abuse other people. Such stupidm illegalpeople instead of reporting and removing some minor technical problems rather abuses them as a gun to harm other people rights, valuable times.
I admire search engine technologies, but even though this person works at, she/he does not like better technology, for him/her any technology is a gun to attakto others.
Such people loves wars, they hate peace, they nwant humanity stay out of intelligent brains and become stupid as they are. They do not aim to have a humanityn living in peace superior to manimals. They are too envy of intelligent people, to wound, harm such intelligent people they would rather aim a humanity lower than dogs. Their aimed future world rather than improving the world, is to increase stupid brains so that their brains stupidity would not understood. ı LAUGH AT THEM, stupidity of DOGS never understood by other dogs, but they are still stupid and brainless.
If the scientists of a country, or world are forced(I recalla fiction book writing this story ) to put the falling-stones falled-from-a-hill, to the top of the hill again again to no aim, but to waste times, rather than brainstorming on important disasters of humanity, this is a torture as in war. The people who forces valuable brains to waste time on stupid things are, even though not gunned uniform, enemy, they are thief harming humanity.
Humanity could improve even better, but wars of stupids against peacifull bright, intelligent people halted many improvemnts of humanity.
tODAY ı AM ANGRY WİTH THEM BECAUSE NOW THEY are using very good-aim created technologies against humanity. fck them.
I do respect googlecom technology, but ı  do not respect the way stupid googlecom worker abuses glitches to mislabel images.
I do not respect the way googlecom workers uses googlecom technology. Yes googlecom has manymany stupids who arranges stupidly googlecom image results. A thief may hold many times valuable things, there are illegal minded googlecom workers who are paid to abuse a giant technology.

CONCLUSION: Search engines are a breakthrough of this century. The technology if used appropriately, is very useful to humanity, thanks to the engineers creating this technology. But, the company workers who currently uses such technologies are not the engineers who created them. In general, stupidworkers only learn some glitches of googlecom and never reports themto any engineer to remove them but as harmfull tool abuses search engine technologies to abuse intelligent people, such stupids only likes to use giant valuabletechnologies to wound, to harm peacifull, succesfull humans. In future any worker name on should be known, and such people should be punished for abusing technology glitches. They like it because such glitches are their guns to harm goodpeople. Today it is not possible to report and associate a harming image to certain workers I do not want to blame all workers of, but I blame the one who never reports any glitch to any engineer rather abuses glitches of terrorie peacifullpeople life. Yes, these googlecom workers already proved to the world that technology is a giant technology with some glitches, but many workers ofgooglecom workersare aut of mind but there to attack people legalrights again and again to waste their valuable times to put the stones to the top again.
oNLY VERY CAREFULL RESULTS OF GOOGLE.COM are valuable, googlecom is screwed by its own workers(Not the engineers who are good at least to recognize technical problems/glitches). Why I talked on googlecom, because googlecom is still my giant technology in my carefull usage succsess.
